RG STAR Frontline Employee and Supervisor/Manager Training

A fast and easy way to integrate responsible gaming into your training curriculum.

Get STARted with Responsible Gaming

The RG STAR frontline employee and supervisor/manager training is a fast and easy way to get started with responsible gaming. The Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling provides additional services to assist your organization in creating a comprehensive program that addresses Training, Awareness, and Education.

Areas addressed in the course:
  • What is Responsible Gaming?
  • How is Responsible Gaming Good Customer Service?
  • Signs and Symptoms of Problem Gambling
  • Employee’s Role in Responsible Gaming: What You Can Do
  • Responsible Gaming Policies and Procedures
Additional training services:
  • Face-to-Face Training for Supervisors/Managers and Frontline Employees
  • Creation of Customized Responsible Gaming Certification Programs for Casinos and Cardrooms.

It’s easy to get started.

Contact us to get started with Responsible Gaming Certification.