Schengen / Dublin


Schengen/ Dublin

Switzerland as a Schengen member state

The information systems SIS (Schengen Information System), VIS (Visa Information System) and Eurodac (European system for the comparison of fingerprints of asylum applicantsEuropean system for the comparison of fingerprints of asylum applicants ) are operated by eu-Lisa and EU COM. Under its association agreements, Switzerland is a Schengen member state. The FDPIC regularly participates in the meetings held between the national data protection authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor.

Guide to exercising right of access to the Schengen Information System (SIS II)

This guide issued by the SIS II Schengen Supervision Coordination Group describes the procedures for exercising the right of access to the Schengen Information System (SIS II) in all Schengen states. It is intended to make it easier for data subjects to exercise their right of access and also serves as a practical tool for all those with professional interests in the right of access (data protection authorities, police forces, immigration authorities, lawyers, etc.).

Swiss Data Protection Authorities Coordination Group for the Implementation of the Schengen Association Agreements

The law (Article 111g AIG, Article 102d AsylG and Article 8b BPI) provides,that the cantonal data protection authorities and the FDPIC should actively cooperate within the scope of their respective competences and ensure coordinated oversight of the processing of personal data. Based on this provision, the FDPIC set up a coordination group of Swiss data protection authorities to assist in the implementation of the Schengen Association Agreements.

The coordination group allows the cantonal data protection authorities and the FDPIC to cooperate actively in overseeing data processing carried out in application of the Schengen Association Agreements. While respecting the responsibilities of each member, the coordination group is dedicated to the following tasks in particular: exchanging information necessary for the effective oversight of data processing operations; discussing difficulties of interpretation or application of legal provisions; analysing problems that may arise in exercising oversight or the rights of data subjects; drawing up harmonised proposals and opinions with a view to finding common solutions; supporting and coordinating the oversight activities of the individual members.The coordination group is composed of one representative of each of the cantonal data protection authorities and one representative of the FDPIC; the FDPIC provides the group’s secretariat.The coordination group adopted its Rules of Procedure at its meeting on 12 November 2009, and amended these on 27 June 2018.


Further topics

International cooperation

Effective data protection must transcend borders.

Cross-border transfer of personal data

The cross-border transfer of personal data is subject to special rules. The following must be considered before data is transferred to other countries.


What is meant by an adequacy decision and what is its significance?

Questions on data protection

Take a look at our FAQ or call our hotline.

International legal basis

Legal basis Council of Europe and Schengen / Dublin

Last modification 08.03.2024

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