Demand the NHL & NBA to Terminate Bally Sports' Contract for Inadequate Streaming Services

Demand the NHL & NBA to Terminate Bally Sports' Contract for Inadequate Streaming Services

November 1, 2023
Petition to
NBA and
Signatures: 1,103Next Goal: 1,500
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Why this petition matters

Started by Zack Stone

As a dedicated sports fan, I find myself unable to watch games through legitimate means due to the persistent issues with Bally Sports' streaming service. Despite paying for a monthly subscription, I and many others are consistently denied access due to login problems on their platform. This is not just an isolated issue; it's a widespread problem affecting countless fans across the country.

Bally Sports has been given ample opportunities to rectify these issues but has failed time and again. It's unacceptable that fans who pay for their services are left in the dark, unable to support our teams from home. The National Hockey League (NHL) and other sports Leagues  should hold its partners accountable and ensure they provide reliable services that meet the needs of all hockey fans.

The NHL and others prides themselves on being organizations that values its fans and their experiences. By allowing Bally Sports' subpar service to continue unchecked, they are failing us - the loyal supporters who contribute significantly towards their success.

We urge you, as fellow sports enthusiasts and frustrated consumers, to join us in demanding that the NHL and others to terminate its contracts with Bally Sports until they can guarantee a reliable streaming service for all subscribers. Your signature can make a difference in improving our game-watching experience! Please sign this petition today!

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Signatures: 1,103Next Goal: 1,500
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