Stop the Cruel Export of Endangered Macaque Monkeys from Sri Lanka to China

Stop the Cruel Export of Endangered Macaque Monkeys from Sri Lanka to China

April 14, 2023
Petition to
Additional Secretary, Home Additional Secretary
Signatures: 61,786Next Goal: 75,000
105 people signed this week

Why this petition matters

Started by Shambhu Nath

I am writing to raise awareness about the proposed export of up to 100,000 endangered toque macaque monkeys from Sri Lanka to China. This action raises concerns among conservationists and animal rights activists due to the potential for severe animal abuse and cruelty during transportation and captivity.

Toque macaque monkeys are endemic to Sri Lanka and are classified as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list. The mistreatment of animals in China is widely known, and exporting these endangered monkeys to China could lead to unimaginable suffering for them. China is known for keeping animals in cramped cages, subjecting them to brutal conditions, and using them for various purposes, including medical research and entertainment.

Moreover, Sri Lanka bans almost all live animal exports, and the proposed sale would go against the country's conservation efforts. The Environmental Foundation, a Sri Lankan animal rights group, has criticized the proposed sale, saying there has been no nationwide survey of the macaques for more than 40 years, and a proper population study should be carried out first.

As concerned individuals, we must prevent unnecessary suffering and abuse of highly intelligent animals like the toque macaque monkeys. Therefore, I urge you to take immediate action to prevent the proposed export of endangered toque macaque monkeys from Sri Lanka to China. We must find alternative solutions to address Sri Lanka's economic crisis without resorting to animal cruelty.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.




105 people signed this week
Signatures: 61,786Next Goal: 75,000
105 people signed this week
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