Protect Safe and Accessible Abortion

Protect Safe and Accessible Abortion

February 10, 2023
Signatures: 111,556Next Goal: 150,000
168 people signed this week

Why this petition matters

Started by Star Jowers

The overturning of Roe V Wade was just the beginning of the battle to protect reproductive rights. Most abortions are done through Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications and new lawsuits threaten access to those approved medications to millions of women. Health and reproductive rights advocates fear many will turn to unsafe, self-induced abortions if access to these medications are banned.

If you believe access to these medications should be protected, add your voice to the petition calling on Congress to act to enshrine access no matter where you live. 

As reported by the Guttmacher Institute, over 90% of abortion patients in the US obtain their procedure in the first trimester, with the majority of them opting for medication abortion. Medication abortion, using the FDA approved combination of mifepristone and misoprostol for up to 10 weeks of pregnancy.

If you believe access to safe and legal abortion is fundamental to reproductive health and freedom by calling on Congress to act to make mifepristone accessible to all individuals seeking safe and effective medication abortion regardless of their location or financial status. 

My name is Star and in 2021, I had an abortion. I went to a clinic in Knoxville, Tennessee where they gave me the abortion pills (mifepristone and misopristol) to end my pregnancy, but due to me being almost 12 weeks pregnant, the pills didn't work. I then headed to Charlotte to get a surgical abortion. I was scared both times but I was more relieved than anything because I was able to get the help I needed. Even though I was able to get the healthcare I sought, others in my position will not be able to if Congress bans mifepristone. Mifepristone is safe and should be accessible to all who seek it. I stand with any and all people who seek abortions and you should too. If you believe that people deserve safe and legal abortion care, please sign this petition. Banning abortions only bans safe abortions. 

168 people signed this week
Signatures: 111,556Next Goal: 150,000
168 people signed this week
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