F1 24 (PS5) Review

F1 24 (PS5) Review

F1 Racing At Its…Safest?

F1 24 (PS5) Review
F1 24 (PS5) Review

I would consider myself a racing game enthusiast, having played each of the last four F1 games (F1 21, 22, 23, and now 24), as well as almost 1000 hours of Gran Turismo 7. Keeping things interesting is paramount when it comes to replayability, especially in racing games. F1 24 has all the makings of a fantastic racing game, but is it enough to sate the most passionate of fans out there?

First things first, I want to talk about the menus. By and large, they are pretty darn similar to last year’s game, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, even though I did say the exact same thing about MLB The Show 24’s menu. With what F1 24 has to offer, a minimalist menu system is pretty much necessary for ease of navigation, and F1 24’s menu is nothing if not easy to navigate.

F1 24 (Ps5) Review

There are four main game modes on offer in F1 24: Career, F1 World, Local Multiplayer, and League Racing. The other options are Store and Theatre, but I leave those out because they aren’t really gameplay-related. I’ll touch on them later, but for now, let’s stick with the four big ones. Starting at the bottom of the list, League Racing is exactly what it sounds like. Upon entering the League Racing menu, you are prompted to scan a QR Code and either create or join a league from your mobile device. Crossplay is available, and there can be leagues available for all skill levels and availability.

Local Multiplayer is the next mode that is available, and that is also exactly what it sounds like. There are two options here: split-screen and LAN connection. Splitscreen allows you and one other person to race on the same screen, and LAN games have similar player limitations.

“What’s missing from F1 24 is another chapter of the Braking Point storyline.”

F1 World is going to be where most players spend their time in F1 24. This is where you’ll find modes like Ranked Multiplayer races, Time Trials, Solo & Multiplayer Events, Custom lobbies and more. You’ll also find the Garage where you apply earned customization parts to your racecar.

New in F1 World is a feature called Fanzone. Fanzone is a passive mode where players select an F1 team and driver to follow to earn Fan Points by completing challenges in other modes in the game. This addition to the game has the potential to be very exciting as long as the rewards system is balanced for all players rather than punishing players for choosing less popular teams or drivers. Naturally, I chose my favourite driver and favourite manufacturer, Lewis Hamilton and Aston Martin, so only time will tell how I am rewarded (or punished) for my choices.

F1 24 (Ps5) Review

Career Mode is the part of F1 24 I show up for. I like the progression and the relatively painless way of learning the tracks. The difficulty adjustment is effortless, as always. The best part of the Driver Career mode this year is the ability to begin in Formula 2 and work your way up to Formula 1 after winning the Driver’s Championship. With the option of selecting to play as your favourite Formula driver or creating your own (I chose the latter, of course), the better you drive, the more upgrades you earn.

“Career Mode is the part of F1 24 I show up for. “

In addition, by choosing a brand-new player, you’ll earn accolades, build rivalries and earn new challenges based on how you do on the track, with a similar line of progression coming if you choose an existing Formula driver.

What’s missing from F1 24 is another chapter of the Braking Point storyline. This was easily the best part of the previous few entries in the series, as it is heavily story-based and gave a good insight (albeit fictional) into the background of the Formula 1 season. Without the Braking Point story, I fear that F1 24 suffers from an excess of repetition, with all the offline modes to play, and Gran Turismo 7 has the same issue.

F1 24 (Ps5) Review

I was, at first, hesitant to get my hands on F1 24 due to the force feedback bug from F1 23 that resulted in absolutely no force feedback (the feeling of the road through the wheel) being delivered whenever the player would use a wheel instead of a controller. It was the biggest issue for me, as that sort of sensory information is very helpful when racing with a wheel. Thankfully, F1 24 has resolved that bug, and I can happily feel the track through the wheel and controller.

One of, if not the, biggest update to F1 24 over its predecessor is something called Dynamic Handling. Codemasters have collaborated with F1 World Champion Max Verstappen to help create a whole new feeling of control and realistic performance, whether you are using a controller or wheel. In the previous three entries in the series, I never felt as in control of the car as I do in F1 24.

“In the previous three entries in the series, I never felt as in control of the car as I do in F1 24.”

Updates to the tyre models allow the player to feel differences in their tyre based on things like tyre pressure, ambient track conditions, and driving style. In this new tyre model, depending on how smooth or aggressive you are in your driving style, you may find your tyres wear out quicker or slower.

There is also the Store, which is used to purchase cosmetic items for your driver to wear (using real money to buy Pitcoins). Things like emotes, livery options, and more are available and rotate out after a given amount of time.

The Theatre is used to review recent events you’ve completed to save highlights for the purpose of sharing them amongst your social group. There’s not much else to do here but review past events.

All told F1 24 is a decent entry to Codemasters’ annual Formula 1 racing game, but there just isn’t enough to do unless you spend your time doing the online races. That’s really the only repeatable content I could discern, which is unfortunate because F1 24 is a good game at its core.

Final Thoughts


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