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    Landscapers Share 9 Lower-Impact Ways To Make Your Lawn And Garden Ever "Greener"

    See the low-maintenance grass seed and organic weed killers that gardening experts recommend.

    Getting your outdoor space to be even “greener” — in the eco-friendly sense — might be easier than you think. According to Kat Aul Cervoni, founder of Staghorn NYC Landscape Design and The Cultivation by Kat, starting a more sustainable lawn and garden starts by deeply observing the space.

    Liquid Iron, Rachio Irrigation smart sprinkler, Dramm nozzle.

    Ahead, find products and tips that will help you reduce your impact outdoors.

    1. Rachio irrigation smart sprinkler

    The smart sprinkler

    2. Dramm garden hose and an adjustable nozzle

    The orange hose and purple nozzle

    3. A diverter and barrel to harvest rainwater

    The diverter and barrel

    4. Wildflower's Eco-Lawn seed

    The lawn seed

    5. Slow release fertilizers

    The bag of fertilizers

    6. A compost bin

    The white compost bin

    7. Neem oil spray

    The oil spray

    8. Iron-based weed killer

    The weed killer

    9. Battery-powered or electric tools

    The various tools

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.