WP Coupons and Deals Review: Is it the Best Coupon Plugin for Affiliates?


Searching for WP Coupons and Deals reviews? A coupon plugin is a great way to drive more sales for your affiliate partners and generate commissions.

Display coupons in different parts of your website to intimate latest discounts and boost sales. Don’t you think it’s a working strategy to increase your affiliate marketing earnings?

Yes, definitely. But you can’t do it manually. A responsive WordPress coupon plugin is required to handle this job. It helps you to showcase latest offers in addictive layouts and encourage visitors to click on them to activate the deal.

Impressed. Aren’t you?

Today, I am going to review WP Coupons and Deals—one of the best coupon plugins for WordPress.

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What is WP Coupons and Deals?

WP Coupons and Deals

WP Coupons and Deals is the #1 WordPress coupon plugin. It lets you insert coupons anywhere in the website including posts, pages, and widgets to sell more affiliate products.

Key Features

  • 7 coupon templates
  • Image coupons
  • Highly customizable
  • Display/hide coupon codes
  • Set expiration dates
  • Coupon categories
  • Voting buttons
  • Archive templates




$39 – $99/mo

Being beginner-friendly, anyone can handle the plugin and generate coupons easily. It offers several templates to showcase your coupons and improve conversions. There are options to display or hide coupon codes, set expiration dates, display related coupons in single posts, and much more—everything is possible with WP Coupons.

WP Coupons has a clean interface. It generates mobile-friendly coupons that automatically adjust according to various device types. These coupon widgets can either send visitors to your internal product-related posts or directly to merchant websites. Thus, it helps you to boost internal traffic as well as sell more affiliate products.

These are the best ways to increase your affiliate sales using WP Coupons and Deals plugin,

  • Write review posts with custom discount coupons
  • Create deal posts and insert coupons in content area or sidebar
  • Create coupon widgets for your entire site
  • Insert coupons anywhere on WordPress via a short code

If you want to organize coupons into multiple categories, it is possible. Create unlimited page types to promote different niche products and insert coupons using tags. For example, create a new page titled ‘Hosting’ to promote your hosting affiliate partners and create another post called ‘Black Friday deals’ to showcase top shopping festival deals in your niche.

The deals you are going to promote may have some expiration dates. While creating coupons, enter your expiry date for the deal. WP Coupons automatically unpublish your coupon after the mentioned date. But you can retrieve it from the Drafts folder and publish it again if needed.

WP Coupons is a perfect tool to improve user conversions on your site and skyrocket affiliate earnings. They offer lifetime license, and a premium support on all subscription plans.


WP Coupons has three annual subscription and lifetime plans,

Single Site

  • 1 website
  • $39/year ($99 for lifetime)

5 Sites

  • 5 websites
  • $59/yr ($199 for lifetime)


  • Unlimited websites
  • $99/yr ($299 for lifetime)

They have fast customer support and 14-days money-back guarantee in all plans.

Click here to buy WP Coupons and sell more affiliate products (30-days money-back guarantee)

Key Advantages of WP Coupons

These are the main advantages of WP Coupons,

1. Beautiful templates


Do you want to showcase coupons in affiliate posts, pages, or sidebars? No problem. WP Coupons has seven different layouts to meet your needs.


You’ll be able to create separate pages to display all coupons (or filter by tags), insert coupons in product reviews, and sidebars with customization options. Display coupon codes directly or encourage visitors to click on the coupon to reveal the code. It is also possible to insert coupons anywhere in WordPress using a short code.

2. Highly customizable


WP Coupons is customizable to any extent. Insert discount codes, include or exclude description, assign specific link attributes, and exclude coupons archives, etc.

If you are planning to write a blog post and insert coupons in it, you can do it directly from WordPress post editor.

coupons list

Change call to action texts, title tags, and upload custom images for social media shares. For time-bound deals, you can display expiration dates on coupon panels and remove them automatically after the prescribed date. Change text and background colors, display coupons in list or column formats—nothing is impossible for WP Coupons.

3. Related coupons


Creating related post widgets is a proven method to increase your internal traffic and reduce bounce rate. In the same way, WP Coupons can insert a related coupon widget in your posts and pages.

It is a good option to boost user engagements and generate more income from your affiliate marketing efforts.

4. Affordable

WP Coupons is cheaper than many other WordPress coupon plugins. It costs just $39/yr for 1 site. For 5 and unlimited websites, it costs $59 and $99 per year, respectively.

When compared to the opportunities it drives, we can’t say that it is a huge amount. Moreover, a single affiliate transaction is enough to cover this cost. Right?

5. Fast customer support

They have a fast and friendly customer support to answer queries as early as possible. I contacted them a couple of times for customizations, and they responded to my tickets in a few hours.

If you have any questions or complaints, just raise a ticket, and you will get a solution very soon.


WP Coupons is my favorite coupon plugin for WordPress. If you are serious about affiliate marketing and increasing earnings, this is an inevitable tool. It is light-weight and weighs only 5 KB.

From single posts to widgets, it helps you to showcase deals in attractive layouts to catch user attention and get more clicks. Write a product review or prepare a deal post and insert coupons with call-to-actions. This way, you’ll be able to generate more sales and commissions.

WP Coupons is search engine friendly and best tool to bring customers from all sources.

Are you still thinking?

Click here to buy WP Coupons and maximize user conversions on your site (14-days money-back guarantee)

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