How to Submit a Guest Post Successfully in 12 Steps

  March 2, 2023 blogging tips 🕑 6 minutes read

ACE Wildlife Basin, South Carolina, USA


(Updated 3-2-2023)


Are you a blogging veteran who wants to know how to submit a guest post after being rejected more times than the class dork before the prom? Or are you shivering in your boots about submitting your first guest post?


Feeling the sting of getting your guest post rejected is only topped by sitting on the sidelines in a worried, anxious state, reasoning yourself out of writing and submitting your first guest post.


Before you ditch this incredibly powerful blog marketing strategy realize:


  • Guest posting on relevant, influential blogs can put you and your blog in front of prying eyes
  • Guest posting builds bonds with power broker bloggers
  • Writing guest posts builds your bragging page to epic proportions


Guest blogging expands your reach far and wide.


But guest posting on respected blogs requires careful planning and mindful action.


Follow these tips to guest post on credible blogs.


Step A1: Write, Write, Write, Write and Write Some More


Write 500 to 1000 words – or more – daily to improve your writing skills.


Skilled writers land guest posts easily.


Skilled writers attract guest post opportunities without seeking guesties.


If you want to submit guest posts the right way you’ll do it the “write way”.


Guest blogging doors open for skilled writers


1: Build a Watch List


Build a watch list of authority, relevant blogs.


Look for blogs related to your niche. Demand authority blogs.


Search for respected blogs via:


  • Google
  • Twitter
  • Facebook


by querying competitive keywords from your niche.


Does the blogger ooze credibility? Do readers flock in droves to greedily consume their latest blog posts? Do readers drop blog comments freely? Do the bloggers publish in-depth, detailed, highly targeted content?


If you like what you see consider guest blogging for these individuals.


Relevance means everything.  Add only blogs strongly related to your niche. 


2: Research Prospective Guest Post Blogs (Match Your Potential Submission)


Research blogs from your watch list.


Can you publish content matching the length, depth and overall quality the blogging audience demands of you?


You may find a better match on an influential blog with less stringent standards.


Do your homework to find the best match for you at this stage of your career.


Determine if you can match the tone and overall feel of a blog before you either keep or prune the blog from your watch list.


Don’t worry; over time, bloggers who may have not approved your submissions in the past will approve you after you’ve improved your writing.


I assumed that most pro bloggers would reject my early day “Captain Caveman” writing style. Practicing my writing gave me the courage to guest post for influential bloggers.


Read the guest post rules to get clear on specifics like word count and accepted topics to find the right opportunities for you.


3: Comment on the Blog


Blog commenting opens guest posting doors few bloggers ever see, let alone open.


Publish thorough, helpful, personalized comments on potential blogs where you’d like to guest post.  


Patiently build bonds with fellow bloggers to solidify your relationships.


Are you confused about how to write an impressive, relationship-building, eye-popping blog comment to open guest posting doors for you?


4: Promote the Blogger


Retweet, Facebook Share and LinkedIn Share fellow bloggers if you want to catch their attention.


Think of social shares as setting the table for a long term blogging friendship.


Blogging friends tend to offer you the keys to their blog if you improve your writing skills patiently.


Promote other bloggers to build friendships which lead to all manner of fabulous opportunities, including guest posting invitations.


5: Bond through Email


If you’re struggling like crazy to land guest post requests you may have an email aversion.



Influential bloggers check their email before checking any other medium.


Ask how you can help your fellow blogger through email. Bond. Forget pitching or asking for the guest post opportunity at this stage. Gain their trust. Help them. These folks may just help you one day.


6: Ask Bloggers for Guest Post Opportunities through Email




You’ve built a watch list and found potential matches.


After commenting on authority blogs for weeks or months, promoting fellow bloggers and building bonds through email you’ve likely become friends with a few bloggers who may be looking for guest posts.


Simply ask your friend if you can submit a guest post on their blog but share a few specific titles and explain the benefits for the blogger’s audience. Think about the blogger, their audience, their standards and make sure that the title pitches align with the blog and brand.


Note; in many cases your blogging buddies will invite you to submit a guest post before you ask them. This is the power of bond-building.


7: Release on “No’s”


If a blogger either rejects your guest post idea or closed guest blogging simply let go non matches to make room for matches.


Release on non-resonant opportunities to make room for ideal guest blogging matches.


8: Submit Guest Posts Customized to the Blog


Submit your guest post based on the rules of the blog owner.


Remember; you’re the invited guest. Play by the house rules. Take your shoes off before walking in, be polite and be grateful. You’re being given a platform through which you can connect with an army of interested, engaged readers.


Treat the submission process with respect.


9: Do Your Best Every Time


Many new bloggers do something silly; they submit poor quality guest posts yet expect to land these gigs.


This self-sabotaging strategy ensures your guest posts will be rejected regularly.


Post your best content each time out for every guest post submission.


Doing your best work connects you with more interested readers and opens the door for more guest post opportunities.


10: Become a Long Term Guest Poster for Specific Blogs


Why should you build a long term guest posting gig with a few bloggers?


You will place virtually all guest posts on these sites. You know the system and the audience.


Guest blog far and wide within your niche sometimes to spread the word. But primarily guest post on the same blogs repeatedly to establish strong bonds with certain bloggers and their communities.


11: Respond to All Comments


Respond to all comments on guest posts. Build bonds with readers. Drive traffic to your blog.


If a blogger gives you the keys to their blog treat it with care.


Visit your recent guest posts daily to check for comments or set up email notifications to respond in a timely fashion.


Responding promptly to comments opens the door for a new guest post opportunity on the blog and attracts new readers to your blog.


12: Share as You Share Your Own Blog Posts


Promote guest posts as freely as you promote your own blog posts.


Market guest posts in every spot where you market your blog posts.


I market guest posts through:


  • Twitter
  • Facebook profile
  • Facebook Fan Page
  • Blogging themed Facebook Groups
  • Pinterest blogging boards
  • LinkedIn


Promoting guest posts effectively boosts traffic for these posts. Appreciative bloggers happily offer recurring guest blogging gigs for bloggers who drive traffic to their sites.




Be a thoughtful guest blogger.


Follow each of these steps to submit guest posts which drive targeted traffic to your blog.