75+ Insurance Niches To Start Business 2023 STATS

Here are The Best Insurance niches or other Insurance content ideas to start a New business in 2023. It can be startups, Blogging, Youtube, or any Service based Insurance company.

With a PPC as high as $19.87 to 78.67, the insurance sector is clearly one of the most successful online enterprises.

If you are thinking of starting a new business in the insurance niche, this Blog post will be beneficial for you because we will cover all the sub-niches in the insurance industry so that you don’t have to search further for the insurance niche ideas on search engines. 

We aim to provide you with all the insurance sub-industries you can cover in your Blog or Youtube channel, and you may start a new startup in any of them.

This is the Most Comprehensive List of Insurance sub-niches you can work in.

The Best Part?

I’m going to show you techniques for generating revenue from day one of starting a blog, Youtube channel, or another startup on this list.

In short: If You want to dive into the Insurance niche and make some good revenue online through the most profitable insurance niches, then this Blog post is for you. 

So, let’s get started.

Note: Our articles are for our readers. This means that if you click on some of our affiliate links, we could get paid. Learn about the funding of Bloggerteck, why it matters, and how you can help us.

What is an Insurance niche?

Niche insurance meaning is Insurance offered to a select group of underserved markets. 

However, in this context, “Insurance Niche” refers to “Insurance + Niches,” which refers to the subjects and market segments that the insurance industry can address, such as a house, auto, life, and business insurance.

For you to launch a blog, YouTube channel, or any other business, today we will segment the insurance market into various insurance niches.

Why do we need to break Insurance Niche into Multiple Sub-niches?

As we know today, if you want to start a new business, you will face much competition in the market. Getting traffic or clients for your business is challenging if you target general blogging niches

That’s why we need to lower the competition in 2023 by breaking down these blogging niches into multiple blogging sub-niches so that Google and other search engine bots can easily understand the topical map of your business. 

Breaking insurance niche into multiple insurance micro niches can help you get initial traffic fast and targeted clients that will buy your services. 

That’s why I created this post to reduce that initial competition from your industry. 

Let’s first discuss several important insurance categories that are well-known in the market today, and then we’ll divide these categories down into numerous sub-niches so you may focus on a particular region to succeed more quickly.

5 Major types of Insurance in the US and all over the world.

  1. Health Insurance: I learned through my study that the market for health insurance is expected to increase from USD 2088.5 billion in 2021 to USD 3038.6 billion in 2028, with a 5.5% CAGR between those two years.
  2. Life Insurance: It is expected that the life insurance market can reach $ 3519.44 billion by 2025, so this is also the best industry to start. 
  3. Property Insurance: In 2021, the market for property insurance was estimated to be around $15897.8 billion, and by 2031, it is expected to be worth $38708.5 billion.
  4. Auto Insurance: The market for usage-based automobile insurance was valued at USD 28.27 billion globally in 2020 and is expected to grow to USD 119.68 billion by 2028.
  5. Travel Insurance: If you want to focus on the travel insurance industry, it was estimated to be worth $14.2 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand to $124.8 billion by 2031, with a projected CAGR of 24.7% from 2023 to 2031.

I hope you now have a basic understanding of why you should start working in the insurance market. There are undoubtedly several difficulties, but we can overcome them by employing clever tactics and being steadfast in these fields.

Insurance Niche comes under YMYL content by Google, and before diving, please ensure that you have good expertise in Insurance niches. 

Now let’s list down all sub-niches that fall under These five major insurance categories. 

Best Insurance sub-niches

These are sorted according to the category so that you can understand these fields more clearly. You can start a new business in any of these sub-niches also best for blogging and youtube. 

Health insurance niches:

Insurance niches
Health insurance

Here are some untapped health insurance sub-niches that would be best for startups.

  • Public Health Blogs
  • Health economics Blogs
  • Health insurance TPA Guide Blog
  • Health law blogs
  • Health Insurance Brokers Startups
  • Custom Health Plans 
  • Health policy Blogs
  • Health insurance blogs for a specific place
  • Health Insurance Fraud
  • Gender-Specific Blog or company
  • Pet health insurance blogs or company
  • Good Health insurance TPA Hospital List
  • Family Health Insurance Plans
  • Build Platforms for Health Insurance
  • True stories, Expert Insights Blogs in Health Insurance
  • Health Insurance Library

Life Insurance Niches:

  • Life insurance blog
  • Life Insurance News 
  • Life Insurance Platform reviews
  • Life Insurance Plans reviews
  • Life Insurance Quotes Online
  • Insurance Resources 
  • Endowment Insurance Plans
  • Money Back Insurance Plans
  • Whole Life Insurance Plans
  • Child Insurance Plans
  • Retirement Insurance Plans
  • Life Insurance Blog that covers policies of different countries.

Property Insurance Niches:

  • Property Insurance News Blog
  • Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog
  • Property Insurance Agency
  • Property Insurance Rates By State
  • Property Insurance For Home Loan 
  • Become Property Insurance Agent
  • Home Insurance Basics Blog
  • First Party Coverage Law Insights blog
  • Home Insurance tips and Tricks

Auto Insurance Niches:

  • Auto insurance news Blog
  • Tips and tricks blog
  • Auto insurance agency/agent
  • Auto Insruance broker
  • Automobile Insurance act
  • Automobile Insurance Attorney Information Blog
  • Automobile Insurance Benefits Review Blog
  • Automobile insurance Companies 
  • Automobile insurance targets two, three and four wheelers
  • Automobile insurance Law firm
  • Authentic source of car loans
  • Fuel conservation different types of car insurance
  • Car Insurance Renewal Best Deals
  • Automobile insurance frauds/How to tackle 

And the last broad category is Travel insurance, so let’s cover some of the best travel Insurance niches.

Travel Insurance Niches:

  • Travel insurance for flights
  • Travel insurance for cruises
  • Travel insurance for backpackers
  • Travel insurance plans
  • Travel insurance laws
  • Blog on travel insurance covering all the countries
  • Become a Travel insurance agent/broker
  • A blog covering Travel insurance best companies with their reviews

So these are some of the best niches you can work on to start a new business and become an entrepreneur. 

As you can see in this list, some professions match each other in each category.

Yes, and our purpose in creating this list is to provide you with truthful information about all the insurance niches that people are working in and making a good amount of income. 

Here is the idea: breaking these huge categories into small sub-niches will break down the competition, so you don’t have to compete with big players. And the second advantage is that you will succeed in less time than diving into broad insurance topics. 

I hope you understand why this is important. 

Now that you understand these insurance topics, let’s talk about common niches and how to work on them.

The stats in the article is collected from Google trend and Google ads dashboard, so you can also check on these platforms and start working on these niches.

Best insurance niches for startups and blogging in 2023

1. Insurance News 

You can start a blog or a website on the insurance news niche and, most specifically, in any category mentioned above to break down your competition. Insurance News has mostly searched topics in search engines, and people also join insurance news websites New Letters to get insurance news in their emails.

So this niche has the potential to grow in a few years, and you can make a good living through this niche. 

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 1k-10k/month
  • CPC: $4-$12
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing
  • Income Potential: Ads($3K-6K), Affiliate(1K-8K+)
  • Competition: Low to Medium

2. Insurance Platform Reviews

 The most important considerations when purchasing any insurance plan are platform reviews. People first learn about platforms so they can trust them, whether it be life, health, auto, or other insurance platforms.

This is where we have the chance to develop a website where you can review or evaluate these insurance platforms and invite users to score them so that your website’s future visitors can get accurate information.

Building a website where you only provide evaluations of insurance platforms will assist Google and other search engines in understanding that your website offers reviews, which can help you rank faster and gain topical authority in Google’s eyes.

Tip: As you know insurance niche is very vast and has competition, so you should focus on a good backlink plan for that website. 

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 100-1k/month
  • CPC: $30-$42
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing
  • Income Potential: Ads($8K-10K), Affiliate(3K to 15K+)
  • Competition: Medium to High

3. Insurance Plans Review Blog

These insurance platforms provide a variety of plans, making it difficult to determine which platform offers the best plan. Therefore, platform reviews were discussed in the prior niche. The second area of focus is evaluations of the Best insurance plans.

Starting your online career with a blog where you offer a piece of comprehensive advice on insurance platform plans might be a brilliant option. As you can see, plan reviews are a popular search term on Google, making this the ideal insurance-related blog niche.

insurance niches plans
Insurance Plans to try

Covering all the plans offered by most searched companies will be a good idea for a new blog. 

Pro tip: You may also include user-interaction features in your blog so readers can comment and grade the plan based on their experiences.

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 1k-10k/month
  • CPC: $10-$25
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing
  • Income Potential: Ads($4K-9K), Affiliate(6K to 15K+)
  • Competition: Low to medium

4. Insurance Laws & Policies Website

As its name indicates, you can start a website or blog where your readers can find all the essential laws and policies they should know before buying any of the plans. 

There needs to be more information about the laws and policies of companies and their insurance plans, and if you write brief articles on these laws, then there is good potential to get initial traffic in this niche.

Here, people want a specific answer to law-related questions in the insurance niche. 

Insurance niches law
Insurance Laws

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 1k-10k/month
  • CPC: $4-$20
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing
  • Income Potential: Ads($3k-6K), Affiliate(4K to 10K+)
  • Competition: Low to medium

5. Insurance Agency

Yes, you can start an agency in any of the above-mentioned major categories but stick to only one niche; like if you have expertise in health, then provide all the services in the health sector. Don’t go with auto or some other insurance niche. 

Cover all the topics in your blog section of health insurance so that you can get initial clients through organic search. 

Pro tip: Go with an area-specific or state-specific insurance agency in your initial days because people always search for an “insurance agency near me,” which means you can succeed in local markets faster than global ones. 

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 10k-90k/month
  • CPC: $2-$10
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing
  • Income Potential: Ads($2k-6K), Affiliate(10K to 20K+)
  • Competition: Medium

6. Insurance Fraud

For bloggers and entrepreneurs, a website detailing every instance of insurance fraud from the past to the present would make sense. In this area, you can talk about different kinds of insurance fraud, its penalties in a particular nation, and many other things.

This market has enormous potential since fraud situations like this have occurred in the past, and people are looking for answers. You may also discuss fraud prevention strategies to prevent individuals from falling victim to these frauds.

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 1k-10k/month
  • CPC: $5.24
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing
  • Income Potential: Ads($5k-7K), Affiliate(4K to 10K+)
  • Competition: Low to medium

7. Insurance Deals

A website or a blog that covers the latest insurance deals at the best price is the best idea. You can dive into any of the insurance sub-niches, like the latest deals in (heath, life, auto, travel, home), etc. 

You can cover all the deals provided by big firms and add your sponsor links, so you get some affiliate commission. 

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 90k-300k/month
  • CPC: $9-$40
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing
  • Income Potential: Ads($10k-17K), Affiliate(25K to 40K+)
  • Competition: Medium to High

8 Insurance Broker/Agent

Brokers and agents normally carry out only a handful of the marketing movements, and their primary job is to make buying and selling more accessible by bringing buyers and sellers together and mediating negotiations between them.

The following obligations toward the principal are typically held by agents: loyalty, care, obedience, and accounting.

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 90k/month
  • CPC: $2-$10
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing, Commission
  • Income Potential: Commission($5k-20+K)
  • Competition: Low to Medium

9. Insurance Loans

People are curious about insurance loans and how to get them, so you can build a website to cover all such topics if you have expertise in this niche. 

Yes, people don’t know they can get loans for their life insurance, so covering all these topics is the best idea to start your blogging journey.

Insurance niches
insurance loan

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 1k-10k/month
  • CPC: $9-$20
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing
  • Income Potential: Ads($10k-15K), Affiliate(15K to 25K+)
  • Competition: Low 

10. Insurance Consulting Business

You can start a consulting business if you have good knowledge of the Insurance industry. Your responsibility as an insurance consultant is to work with clients to identify their needs and create insurance solutions to cover any risks. You also decide on insurance coverage to create a risk management coverage program.

Individuals and organizations can benefit from the advice of insurance advisors when choosing their insurance policies. They could advise customers on the kinds of policies to buy, the amount of coverage to acquire, and the kind of policy that best suits their requirements.

Stats you should know about this niche.

  • Search Volume: 1k-8k/month
  • CPC: $13-$78
  • Monetization: Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing, Clients
  • Income Potential: Ads($1k-8K), Affiliate(10K to 25K+)
  • Competition: Low to Medium

Other insurance niche ideas are:

  • Gap insurance
  • Income protection insurance
  • Casualty insurance
  • Burial insurance
  • Liability
  • Credit insurance
  • Cyber Attack Insurance
  • Reinsurance company
  • Insurance patents

Life Insurance for:

  • Active military.
  • Hazardous sports/hobbies.
  • Little people.
  • Specializing in conversions.
  • Federal employees.
  • Specializing in group life insurance.
  • Specializing in business policies.
  • Overweight people.

These are some of the best insurance sub-niches that you can try and start your online business, it can be a startup or a blogging business, but all of these insurance niches are best for upcoming years.  Health niches & finance niches and real estate niches also come under the profitable category.

How to start a Profitable Insurance blog or website

Your next step is to start your blog in one of the aforementioned insurance sub-niches you have selected.

So let’s discuss the step-by-step process of creating a blog. 

Step1: Hosing & Domain Name

Choosing a reliable web host and a memorable domain name for your website or any future services you want to provide are the first steps in launching a blog. Fast web hosting will help your website rank on all search engines, so pick one for your blog and think about a short, catchy domain name.

WordPress.org itself recommends the best hosting.

WordPress recommends all these three hostings, and Bluehost is the hosting that offers you a Free Domain Name with a free SSL certificate for your blog. 

Bluehost is the best that we can recommend. 

Tip: always go with fast Nvme Hostings because they host your website on fast servers.

Step2: Content Management System(CMS)

A content management system describes itself as where you manage all the content you want to host on the servers so that people can send requests to your servers to get information about your business. 

SEO-friendly CMS for your blog: 

These three are the most well-known, and WordPress is the most widely used; thanks to its user-friendly functions, WordPress hosts more than 43% of all websites.

Step3: Theme for your Insurance Blog

After setting up WordPress on your server, it’s time to set up your blog or website’s theme so your visitors can get a better UI for browsing your articles. 

  • Divi (WordPress) 
  • Jevelin (WordPress) 
  • Instive (WordPress)  

These three are the best when it comes to insurance blog templates because they provide your blog with an appealing look with different types of CTA features. 

Step4: WordPress Plugins Installations

It’s time to install WordPress plugins to your website to make it more functional after setting up your blog theme. Plugins can add more functionality to your website. 

You can select,

  • Security Plugin: To secure your WordPress site.
  • Cache Plugin: To speed up your site.
  • Contact form: Include contact forms on your site. 
  • SEO Plugin: Yoast must be included

And more.

Related Post: 35+ best WordPress Plugins with their description, pros, and cons.  

Step5: Produce content on Your selected niche from this list

Now that everything has been set up, it’s time to write blog posts for your website so people can reach your products and articles online.

Writing content is a free method of getting customers and clients, so make sure to write comprehensive articles so that people will get information so that they can become your future buyers. 

Hint: Do proper keyword research before creating content or blog post. Semrush is a tool that can help you in Advanced keyword research. 

Update your content continually! & Happy Blogging. 

Faq asked on google about Insurance niches

Q. Is Insurance a profitable topic for my blog? 

Yes, the insurance niche is lucrative, as marketers pay significantly more than other niches.
But in my opinion, any niche is the greatest when it comes to blogging because this kind of content creation allows you to share information with others in a written format so they may learn from your experiences.

Q. What is the most profitable Insurance to sell?

Selling life insurance is the most lucrative career path.
Selling life insurance is the most profitable among the several insurance categories. As mentioned in this list, you may also sell different types of Insurance, like home, auto, and others.

Final Thoughts on Insurance Niche

Yes, you can also do a profitable business in the Insurance niche with good strategies. One of the best strategies is to select any sub-niches from this list because it will break down your competition and let google know about your business. 

Because you are not diving into the whole insurance market, it will help Google Bots figure out your topical authority, leading to a good ranking and high earnings.

Always go with excellent and memorable Domain Names and fast hosting because Google considers them a ranking factor.

BlueHost offers you a Good loading time, Free Domain Name, with a Free SSL certificate. Best for beginners with low traffic.

I hope this list of the top insurance sub-niches will be helpful to you and serve as a roadmap for success in these competitive markets.

We thus wish you luck on your new trip, and if you have already begun it, sign up for our newsletter for more great advice like this.

Please leave a comment on this blog article with your ideas. Did you enjoy it or not? Comment with your ideas so I can quickly incorporate them into the text.

Once again, congratulations on your insurance site, and best wishes for further blogging from my end.

Note: Our articles are for our readers. This means that if you click on some of our affiliate links, we could get paid. Learn about the funding of Bloggerteck, why it matters, and how you can help us.

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