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"12.3 Orphan-55"


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Blogger voxpoptart said...

Thank you! That was much more fun than the episode under discussion; and where "Orphan 55" became the first episode of the 21st century series that I simply didn't bother to finish, I stuck with yours and learned that you're a Tom Lehrer fan. Which isn't surprising, but which -- unlike anything in "Orphan 55" -- is new to me.

Wednesday, 25 March, 2020

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

I missed the Lehrer reference — enlighten me?

Wednesday, 25 March, 2020

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

We are the folk song army,
Every one of us cares.
We all hate poverty, war, and injustice
Unlike the rest of you squares.

The tune don't have to be clever,
And it don't matter if you put a couple extra syllables into a line.
It sounds more ethnic if it ain't good English
And it don't even gotta rhyme... excuse me: rhyne!

Wednesday, 25 March, 2020