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Blogger Ken Shinn said...

I'm delighted that you've chosen to tackle the Micronauts comics. I recall the same mix of fascination and frustration that you seem to have about them when I first encountered them as one of the Star Wars Weekly/Monthly back-up reprints.

One minor point of pedantry: the Killdozer from The Cursed Earth was based on a die-cast named Raider Command, one of the Adventure 2000 range which came to us courtesy of neither Dinky nor Corgi, but their eternal also-ran competitor Lesney (best known for the Matchbox range). For once, they put their bigger rivals in the shade.

I also remember (i) what happens to Prince Argon, and (ii) how his subsequent jailbreak involves a gun-smuggling moment which leads to a joke which I found surprisingly near-the-knuckle at the time. By Dallan and Sepsis, I like your style!

Sunday, 21 May, 2023