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Blogger Rich Puchalsky said...

It's difficult to know where to start in replying to this one, since I don't agree with, well, just about all of it.

I'll shelve the parody-strip and cramped-little-panels bits, though. You write that Sim is the best cartoonist ever, or since Eisner, I think that he's tremendously overvalued as an artistic talent. I don't think that's a dispute that can really be contributed to much in a comment box.

Likewise, the misogyny. I think that the people who don't see misogyny in the early, late, or for that matter the middle Sim mostly don't because they've internalized the standards of the comic book industry. That leads to some variant of the following: "Look, it's all in fun... you must be a humorless person who hates pantomimes" etc. I'm not really interested in getting through all that.

But one thing that you don't seem to contest is that Sim is crazy. You refer to Lucid Dave and Mad Dave. So, again, why pay any attention to his crazy missives? His letter isn't an artwork. You are free to admire Glamourpuss (or otherwise) without concerning yourself with SIm's latest letter. Collector's mentality doesn't really explain it.

You write "The answer is, of course, biographical." I think... not. Biographically, this letter is more of the same.

The fact is that people, specifically Sim's fans, are validating his delusions -- and agreeing with his mysogyny -- by signing on to his pledge. That's the reason for the head-banging, right? And for the disquisition, in this context, about how being a great artist doesn't mean you're a great person, and vice versa.

Well, I agree that with that last, sort of. The problem is that living artists have often used the fame and admiration generated by their talent for political / cultural influence. If he was writing crazy letters about UFOs, that would be cause for pity, but not head-banging. This sounds like a case where you're embarrassed by what a good chuck of Sim's fan base is doing, and an interest in "biography" doesn't seem to really cover that. I think that it's far more straightforward just to stop caring what Sim does with his non-art, even if you are interested in his art for some (not understandable to me) reason.

Tuesday, 01 July, 2008

Blogger Afflicted.John said...

Ummm...Xavier didn't exactly lead the X-Men...rather created them. If you want a leader...I'd go for Cyclops.

Apart from that...I don't know what this post it about.

Tuesday, 01 July, 2008

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

It's about sixteen hundred words.

Tuesday, 01 July, 2008