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Blogger Gavin Burrows said...

“I suppose we are supposed to see a connection between the scorpion-borgs, who travel around the universe stealing other people's technology, and Edison, who steals other people's ideas.”

I kept thinking “Are we supposed to assume that the aliens are extreme versions of Edison, a handy plot device to show him the error of his ways and how he needs Teslas in his life? Or are we supposed to assume Edison and Tesla will see the necessity of working together, then realise their skills are actually complementary and live happily ever after?”

After a while I realised this was like thinking “what is Boris Johnson on about this time?”

Thursday, 26 March, 2020

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

And yet I did enjoy this one. At least, seeing it so soon after Orphan 55, it felt like a breath of fresh air, abeit one with a lot of missed opportunities.

Thursday, 26 March, 2020