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Blogger Graham MF Greene said...

It feels a bit heartless to say that this situation is producing some of the best posts on your blog in a long time. But, um, it is. Well done.

Also, Nick is right. The captchas here are atrocious.

Wednesday, 15 August, 2012

Blogger I. Dall said...

"in the spirit of one who owns a translation of Pliny's letters and can probably find the one which contains the one definite no-kidding reference to T.H.J outside of the Bible." Think you are confusing Pliny (the Youngers, Letters 10.96-97) with
? Not that this has anything at all to do with me, as a Wagnerite, being horribly jealous of you. At all.

Monday, 20 August, 2012

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

(I thought that most historical dudes thought that the Josephus comments were too good to be true and added by a Christian scribe, but Pliny, being basically hostile to Christianity, was probably reliable. Not that they say much more than "These funny Christians seem to think that some Jew who got crucified is some kind of God". I may also be confusing Pliny the Elder, who was involved with the American War of Independence, with Pliny the Younger, who defeated Napoleon.)

Tuesday, 21 August, 2012

Blogger I. Dall said...

Historical dudes seem to be 50/50 on Josephus, these days...I read on Wikipedia.

Tuesday, 21 August, 2012