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"Chibnall and I (4)"


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Anonymous Nick M said...

*Six degrees

Sunday, 06 November, 2022

Blogger Louise H said...

I was genuinely surprised at how many fan people that I know were made happy by Power of the Doctor. I expected more people to consider that their intelligence was being insulted by a incoherent plot, terrible dialogue and characters that lurched between flat and sentimental which then tried far too obviously to buy their affections with a few minutes of neither well done nor particularly interesting nostalgia. But I clearly underestimated the appeal of that nostalgia, and as I think Andrew is suggesting, often much fan interest arises out of the sheer paucity of the offerings of canon along with a willingness to ignore its contradictions.

Anyway I hated the whole thing enough to write fanfic, which is by far the most satisfying way of hating something that I nonetheless feel compelled to watch.

Sunday, 06 November, 2022

Blogger Mark Schaal said...

I want to post "Frankly, if they didn't get Shatner I don't see why I should watch it."

However I can't forget getting a bit teary eyed when Matt Smith met the Curator.

Sunday, 06 November, 2022

Blogger Achille Talon said...

I think the most elegant explanation for the Immortal Ian Chesteron and Barbara Rumour is that there was an unseen adventure or two where the Doctor, Ian and Barbara spent a while in the Year 2000, with Ian and Barbara forced to pose as a couple for one reason or another. Indeed, perhaps they had to slip into the lives of their older selves while the said older selves were on holiday somewhere (having, naturally, themselves arranged to be away on those dates to facilitate the time loop).

Sunday, 06 November, 2022

Blogger dm said...

@Mark Schaal

It's funny that Moffatt did the same trick twice for the anniversary, of having the actor's very recognisable voice occur before seeing them (for Baker in Day, and for McGann in Night.) A very carefully stage managed reveal that revelled in pushing the right buttons. It felt a bit more like we, as an audience, were in on it, that those in charge knew that WE knew it was some fun and silly fanservice and we could just enjoy it for what it was.

Sunday, 06 November, 2022