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Blogger Mike Taylor said...

I'm gratified that my T-shirt should prove the jumping-off point for this discussion, and unreasonably pleased to imagine you sitting in a café in Bristol wearing it as you write such essays.

But what happened to the footnotes?

BTW, "WWTDJ" -- Timothy Dalton?

I loved Cyborg and Muton (not forgetting Android, the chaotic-neutral third party.) Even now, images of them set my pulse racing.

“The question” said Sally, "Would be “Is the journalist an atheist. It’s much more ‘Is the journalist a dick?’” -- I suspect that "would" here is a rather important typo for "wouldn't".

Monday, 07 March, 2016

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Worlds crumble before the might of Muton, alien Master Being from outer space. Will earth be his final conquest?

No. For in their last most desperate hour, men built....Cyborg.

Voices, off: I think this is all getting needlessly messianic.

Monday, 07 March, 2016

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

TD. As opposed to DW.

Monday, 07 March, 2016

Blogger A. L. Brackett said...

I quite appreciate the sentiment of Mr. Taylor’s shirt design. It highlights the absurdity of the whole "Han shot first" meme. Of course Han did not shoot first. Han shot, Greedo did not. There is no first.
I have to object, though, to this idea of "cold blood". If someone is holding a gun on you at point blank range and has just indicated an intent to use it, shooting them before they can pull the trigger is not cold blood, its self defense. You do not have to wait for them to fire a round, because in real life you would be real dead.
And why did Luckasfilm not have a problem with Indy shooting first? I mean come on, the guy was at least fifteen feet away and had a weapon with a five foot range at best...that was a lot closer to cold blood than Han ever got.

Monday, 07 March, 2016