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Blogger Mike Taylor said...

*smugly* I ordered mine yesterday.

Thursday, 19 January, 2012

Blogger Andrew Hickey said...

Ordered. I've been looking forward to this one a long time.

Thursday, 19 January, 2012

Blogger SK said...


Friday, 20 January, 2012

Blogger Nick Mazonowicz said...

Me got Kindle.

Me want lots and lots of Andy books on Kindle.

Please Andy, please let me have lots and lots of Andy books on Kindle.

Sunday, 22 January, 2012

Blogger Lirazel said...


(Do you happen to know if the Amazon version will be available in the former colonies?)

Tuesday, 24 January, 2012

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

I am working on working about what format changes I have to make, at which point my complete works will appear on Kindle, and I will of course become incredibly rich.

Tuesday, 24 January, 2012

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Yup, Lulu stuff appears on as well as Should take about six weeks, assuming Mr Issbn doesn't find something to complain about in the formatingg.

Tuesday, 24 January, 2012

Blogger Nick Mazonowicz said...

Gosh, Lulu is quick though.

I ordered my copy of 'Do Balrogs have wings' on Saturday and received it today.

Tuesday, 24 January, 2012

Blogger Robert said...

How's the ebook version coming?

Thursday, 01 March, 2012