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Blogger SK said...

But how would it be if the Left stopped fighting among themselves

No one knows, because it's never happened.

Thursday, 28 July, 2016

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...


Thursday, 28 July, 2016

Blogger SK said...

Now I feel silly.

[Best Fawlty Towers Major voice] No no no, them's not Trots. Those people are Sparts!

Friday, 29 July, 2016

Anonymous Nick Mazonowicz said...

Corbyn's position, that the government should honour the result of the referendum and withdraw from Europe (even though he personally favoured staying) is highly consistent with his belief in democratic mandates. The fact that the majority of people in Bristol voted Remain is neither here nor there.

I am sorry but this position is suspiciously close to Harriet Harman's "The people voted in favour of austerity therefore it would be wrong for us to vote against the Government's welfare bill"

Either Jeremy Corbyn wants to remain in the EU or he doesn't. A 52% is hardly an overhwelming mandate (at least it isn't whenever strike ballots are bought up) and surely it would be the duty of a responsible politiican to say "This referendum advises this but I don't agree and I will attempt to persuade you of why....should you disagree you can not vote for me at the next general election"

Monday, 01 August, 2016

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Nick: I somewhat agree with you. I think that, constitutionally, parliament has to vote to withdraw from the EU; and the moral position of MPs if that vote happens is by no means clear cut. ("I personally think withdrawing from the EU would be crazy" vs "We just had a referendum and the plurality of the electorate voted to withdraw from the EU.") However, Corbyn's position ("we have to respect the referendum") is intelligible, and not good grounds for an MP withdrawing their support from him.

The Harriet Harman position is quite different: in a representative democracy the whole point of an opposition is that they continue to argue their case, to give a voice to the people who didn't vote for the government; in the hope that the government will moderate their position.

Tuesday, 02 August, 2016

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremy Corbyn has failed the people of this country in what should be the first task of a leader of the Opposition which is to form an effective and credible alternative government. He does not have the requisite leadership and managerial skills which was admitted in this blog. There are numerous and repeated concrete examples of this and it has meant that he has lost the support of 80% of his MPs.

He is good at developing a social movement and speaking at rallies to groups of people who believe in and want to believe in him. It is too inward looking, people hear what they want to hear and this fails the wider electorate.

The sentence in this blog stating that it was worth voting for Corbyn just to get the satisfaction 'of voting for the unelectable just to see the unelectable win' just about sums up how egotistical and irresponsible the Corbyn campaign is. Failing the poor and vulnerable in this country whilst purporting to support them. Owen Smith held out an olive branch to him to work together and he failed to take it

Sunday, 21 August, 2016

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

Well, that all feel apart rather quickly, didn't it?

Tuesday, 07 February, 2017

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

"I don't think that The People are stupid or evil. I think that The People are mostly not very interested in politics so if you keep on telling them the same story over and over again for long enough they'll end up sort of kind of assuming that it's true."

Isn't that rather similar to saying that The People are stupid>

Sunday, 12 February, 2017

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

"I don't think that The People are stupid or evil. I think that The People are mostly not very interested in politics so if you keep on telling them the same story over and over again for long enough they'll end up sort of kind of assuming that it's true."

Isn't that rather similar to saying that The People are stupid>

Sunday, 12 February, 2017