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Blogger Mike Taylor said...

Looks like The Viewer's Tale has already soared to the coveted #25,883 position on the Amazon best-sellers list!

Monday, 26 July, 2010

Blogger Dr. Mabuse said...

When will the Lord of the Rings movie reviews be coming out?

Friday, 30 July, 2010

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Certainly before I die. Possibly before the Dawn of the Tread Voyager movie comes out (December.) Possibly not. My Plan is to put all the Tolkien and Lewis stuff together, along with some new bits (on the Prince Caspian movie, Doug Grehsam's biography of Lewis, and the Damn Stupid Astrology Book.) So. A Big Book. Possibly one to classify under "When I Get a Round Tuit."!

Friday, 30 July, 2010