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Blogger Graham MF Greene said...

"Is there an irony in that wink – a sense that he's been told we want to hear those old songs, so he's humouring us"

That's very perceptive. Indeed, that sounds like the sort of thing an exceptionally observant, intelligent and glamorous person might have said to her companion on exiting the theatre, that does.

Saturday, 15 October, 2011

Blogger decombustion said...

Thank you, thank you (that's all)

Tuesday, 18 October, 2011

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

And thank you....

Tuesday, 18 October, 2011

Blogger Nick Mazonowicz said...

Does he still play guitar at all?
Bob Dylan is always someone I've hesitated to go and see live, but everyone I've ever spoken to him says he does a brilliant live show.

Wednesday, 19 October, 2011

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

He does a little guitar -- I think only for two of the songs on the night we were there. Lots of harmonica, though...

Wednesday, 19 October, 2011

Blogger Chestertonian Rambler said...

I saw him live a couple years ago. When he played songs I knew (which was actually quite often), I did feel that he was riffing off my memories of the songs, intentionally making something new out of the synthesis between the known version and his reinterpretation. I tell people this at parties. They conclude that I have drunk the Bob Dylan cool-aid and that my (thoroughly worthwhile, deeply satisfying) experience at a Bob Dylan concert was a hallucination.

Thursday, 03 November, 2011