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Blogger Aonghus Fallon said...

I remember reading a Father Brown story - 'The Secret Garden' - and being astonished to discover that people were still being guillotined in twentieth century France.
Ireland didn't have its own hangman. We relied on an Englishman - Albert Pierrepoint - to come over and do it for us. He was particularly impressed by how his Irish clients went to the scaffold without making a fuss.
As you probably know, hanging was a tricky business - too little rope, and the victim slowly strangled, too much and he fell too far, yanking his head off in the process. An Irish quaker (from Carlow, no less) was appalled and experimented on animal carcases until he came up with an equation by which the length of the rope could be calculated according to the victim's weight - ie, the right length being sufficient enough to break the victim's neck, quickly and cleanly, but no more. There was even a table, I think.

Friday, 18 September, 2020