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Blogger Mike Taylor said...

Keep up the great work on these. I don't often comment because I have nothing to add, but I'm really enjoying them.

An oddity here: in the panel of J. Jonah Jameson ranting about the lack of news, he's clearly been coloured incorrectly, presumably by someone who's not familiar with the character: the white parts of his hair, to the side of his head, are drawn well enough, but they've been coloured the same flesh colour as his face.

Friday, 25 May, 2018

Blogger Warren JB said...

"Which is a deeply comforting message, and goes a long way to explain why so many Marvel Comics fans remained so socially inept and priggish for so long."

Reminds me of Philip K. Dick's notes to 'The Golden Man'.

"We are persecuted now," the message ran, "and despised and rejected. But later on, boy oh boy, we will show them!"

Friday, 25 May, 2018

Blogger Gavin Burrows said...

"Marvel Comics have always been full of heroic outcasts. When I was nine, I felt that I was exactly like the Silver Surfer -- misunderstood and hated by the rest of the human race, just because I was better than everyone else. ... I now see that the Surfer was much less like Jesus Christ and much more like Eeyore, sitting alone in his gloomy place, wallowing in his own misery, complaining that no-one wants to be his friend but not actually willing to get up and talk to anyone'

I think we may have hit peak Rilstone with that passage!

Saturday, 26 May, 2018

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

"I think we may have hit peak Rilstone with that passage!"

In a good way or a bad way?

Saturday, 26 May, 2018

Blogger Gavin Burrows said...

Good way, natch!

Saturday, 26 May, 2018