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"13.2 Planet of Evil"


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Blogger Oliver Townshend said...

As much as I enjoyed it, I could never get over the acting of the Salamar character. Deliberate? One of those actors who thought that since it was Who he should overact, or just the demands of the plot?

Not great Who, but not bad.

Nice review.

Tuesday, 10 March, 2020

Blogger NickPheas said...

That one really terrified me as a kid.

It occurs to me that the special effects of the Forbidden Planet monster and the antimatter ghosts was pretty much the same.

Tuesday, 10 March, 2020

Blogger JAn said...

"I could never figure out why pirates made captives walk the plank rather than just chucking them overboard."

I believe this chap may have it:

'The fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself.'
--Publilius Syrus. Roman Writer (~100 BC)

Wednesday, 18 March, 2020