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"10.1 The Pilot"


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Blogger Mike Taylor said...

"Surely there is a whole season to be got out of the Doctor as a college lecturer?"

That was my immediate response on watching The Pilot, too. I made me realise just how much leaping about there has been in recent series -- so little to hold on to. By contrast, the series 1 and 2 anchoring to the Powell Estate and Rose's mum gave us something to hold on to. I could really use something a bit like that, with the recurring university background.

Glad you are warming to Capaldi. I still can't help thinking "I wish you were Matt Smith" every time I look at him.

Saturday, 22 April, 2017

Blogger SK said...

I can't help thinking, 'I think Peter Calapdi could play Doctor Who really well, they should get him to do it sometime.'

Monday, 24 April, 2017

Blogger voxpoptart said...

You make many good points, but: "the Pilot" has nothing to do with love. Of course there's nothing between Bill and Heather beyond fresh attraction; if there were, it wouldn't work. The alien intelligence takes Heather's plan to wait for Bill as an instruction, like 20 IF X="WAIT" THEN PRINT or like 50 GOTO 10. The alien intelligence takes Bill's "Stop now" as an instruction too; not entirely, as it presents a counter-argument, but then it gives up. That isn't love, and thank goodness.

Also, he's not "explaining time-travel to the audience"; he's trying to avoid getting into the time-travel aspect with Bill, until finally he gives up. As for him doing so and leaning into it, with his grandiose lecture about how amazing this is (now that he can't minimize it), her needing to go to the toilet is a *good* joke, dang it. If you don't think so, maybe your bladder is better able to honor an occasion with silence than mine is.

Don't know if you'll read this comment, but season 10 of Doctor Who only just became streamable for free in my part of the U.S., so to me this is all a brand new season.

Thursday, 25 January, 2018

Blogger voxpoptart said...

You make many good points, but: "the Pilot" has nothing to do with love. Of course there's nothing between Bill and Heather beyond fresh attraction; if there were, it wouldn't work. The alien intelligence takes Heather's plan to wait for Bill as an instruction, like 20 IF X="WAIT" THEN PRINT or like 50 GOTO 10. The alien intelligence takes Bill's "Stop now" as an instruction too; not entirely, as it presents a counter-argument, but then it gives up. That isn't love; love is a much fiercer opponent.

Also, he's not "explaining time-travel to the audience" -- he's spending most of the episode trying to hide the time-travel feature from Bill, who's fully capable of imagining it. It's only when he has to leave earth, which blows the less-magical-than-he-really-is charade, that he decides to lean in and embrace the awesomeness of it all. At which points, yeah, she needs to go to the toilet. I laughed. Maybe you think it's dumb, but then, maybe your bladder is far better than mine at quietly, uncomplainingly appreciating the grandeur of a moment.

I don't know if belated comments like this get read or not, but Doctor Who Series 10 only just now became freely available to watch in my part of the U.S., so this is all new to me.

Thursday, 25 January, 2018