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"Blast From The Past"


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... The thing about the way we view the queen here in Commanche-land is, that she basically IS the state. Which means that you actually HAVE a "State", as opposed to just "the government".

Not that you need it, but if somebody were to tell us "Prime Minister Chuzzelwit is in trouble", we would yawn. If somebody said "The queen is in trouble", we'd say "Send the fleet!".

Tuesday, 16 November, 2010

Blogger Eric Spratling said...

I'm put in mind of something about Jesus & chocolate eggs.

Friday, 19 November, 2010

Blogger Porlock Junior said...

That, too.

But the question in my mind, out here beyond Apache-land, is how the dickens I missed this posting the first time around. Fortunately it has lost nothing over the years.

Captcha: dialkate .
OMG, I was going to make a remark about our embattled Anglicans over here, bereft of Archbishops and leaning on the slim reed of a Presiding Bishop, a woman at that; and I viewed what I'd written, and got that captcha. I think we have an omen here: if you (abstract Anglican you, not Andrew) have a 21st-century church problem, whom you gonna call?

Sunday, 21 November, 2010

Blogger Steve3742 said...

What I remember that particular week is being caught between two opposing currents. On the one hand I used to hang around with a lot of ultra-left wing anarchist types who were positively celebrating. I thought this was wrong. There are some people whose death I would celebrate, but Diana wasn't (and still isn't) one of them.

On the other hand, I watched in horrified disbelief as the whole country (aside from the ultra-left wing anarchist types) descended into... well, I've never really managed to put a name to it. Mass hysteria? Idolatory? It was like everyone else had joined a Cult.

I don't think I've ever been quite as ashamed to be British as I was during that week. At least not that particular type of shame.

Friday, 26 November, 2010