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Blogger SK said...

I think I've played that kind of 'Yes, and���' free association game in an improvisational theatre class.

Tuesday, 22 March, 2016

Blogger Sam Dodsworth said...

My sympathies - it's horrid to deal with, however petty the wannabe bullies are.

(If you ever need it, I've found asking "why are you upset?" is a good derailing move - it's not a question they can answer without losing face. Not a panacea, but it can sometimes feel good to know you got a hit in before you blocked them.)

And if you or anyone reading this needs practical resources...

ggautoblocker for Twitter will pre-emptively block a good 99% of Alpha's mates, for most likely identities of Alpha.

And if it blows up again and/or starts to escalate, then Crash Override can provide advice, help, and support.

Tuesday, 22 March, 2016

Blogger I. Dall said...

The word you are looking for is "troll" - there are a multitude of guides on how to pursue such non-debates online. Thanks for the "reform" term, nice to have a word for oneself.

Thursday, 24 March, 2016

Blogger Jacob said...

Is Giles Coran a typo for Giles Fraser (the only person called Giles I think I've ever seen you deprecating)? If not, who is he, please?

Friday, 25 March, 2016

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Giles Coren is a British journalist and restaurant reviewer, son of the more famous Alan Coren. I haven't written about him hear and am not likely to, but I've made a few comments about him on Twitter. (He seems to be the kind of food writers who spends 1000 words moaning about his guests, the waiter's tie, and the fact that someone used their mobiles phone, and adds at the end that the meal was okay.) He put up a particularly helpful Tweet complaining that "virgins" were pretending to be interested in something called The Force Awakens.

I did attempt a script for The Two Gileses, but it wasn't very funny:

"It's wonderful to be back with you again, isn't it Giles?"

"Indeed it is Giles. And in a packed programme tonight, I'll be going out to dinner and calling the other customers fat, common and ugly"

"And I'll be going to church and calling the other worshipers evil constantinian death cultists."

"Then I'll go out to dinner again, and call menus that list too many ingredients vulgar'"

"And I'll go to church again, and call Vicars who believe too much of the Bible 'fundamentalists'."

"But first a sketch, in which I play a man who thinks that people who like modern science fiction movies are not having enough sex."

"And I play a man who thinks that people who make modern science fiction movies haven't thought through the Marxist-Augustinian definition of evil."

It would have helped if I'd spelled his bloody name right. :(

Friday, 25 March, 2016

Blogger Jacob said...

I think you did the Two Rowans better.

Saturday, 26 March, 2016

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

So do I :) (Thank you.)

Saturday, 26 March, 2016

Blogger Steven said...

Presently, you may believe I'm 123movies joking. I'm definitely not. I see this sort of conduct frequently when I watch video secret shops.

Friday, 10 April, 2020

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Well, quite.

Friday, 17 April, 2020