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Blogger clarrie said...

If you keep picking at that, you'll go blind.

Saturday, 11 August, 2007

Blogger Andrew Hickey said...

Oh, you didn't...
Did you get to the bit yet where he talks about the reporter from the Onion being sent to tempt him into marriage? I very vaguely know her online and let her know what he said. She wasn't impressed...

(Have you been reading Following Cerebus though? I've not got issue 10 yet, but the first nine are quite superb. When he's discussing how to make comics, the man still sounds very lucid...)

Saturday, 11 August, 2007

Blogger Justin Mohareb said...

What is 298/90?

Saturday, 11 August, 2007

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Issues 289 and 290 of "Cerebus the Aardvark".

Saturday, 11 August, 2007

Blogger J. Robinson Wheeler said...

Oh dear. Yes, Dave does show a marked tendency to snap in and out of this kind of talk and startling lucidity and articulation. Even in the Onion AV interview, he starts out very paranoid and straining to interpret every question as a feminist dig at him, and then when it's explained that it's not, he suddenly sounds lucid with the rest of his answer.

I read a few issues of Following Cerebus last year, and then wrote a letter to him (which I've done a few times over the years) to say "How are you doing?" and to let him know that I'd finished drawing a graphic novel with a friend of mine. He was very friendly and asked me to send him a copy, and then he immediately promoted it on some yahoo blog he dallies with. So in these respects, he seemed like the Good Dave of old.

Tuesday, 14 August, 2007

Blogger Unknown said...

What does he actually say in 298/90, though?

Tuesday, 21 August, 2007

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

That YHWH is the molten center of the earth, that he/she/it split off from God, that there are two different Christ's, that YHWH created men's penises in order to give women control over them, that YWHW caused the spirit children of God to be trapped in matter and therefore feminism goes back to the big bang and not to 1970 as we had previously supposed, that Jews brought the holocaust on themselves by slaughtering all those innocent baa lambs in their temples, and that this is all proved by nuclear physics.

Tuesday, 21 August, 2007

Blogger Unknown said...


That's mental.

Thursday, 23 August, 2007