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Blogger Aonghus Fallon said...

Sure, but maybe another factor is the balance of probability? (And I realise this is very much a moveable feast). My understanding is that Jesus Christ was a relatively obscure figure historically - at least at first. The gospels aside, personal details would be kind of thin on the ground. So it seems more likely to me that people would fabricate evidence about him as he became more relevant rather than new evidence coming to light.

Saturday, 28 November, 2020

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

I think that is a slightly different question. The Gospel of Jesus Wife -- so called -- turned out to be a deliberate modern hoax. If it had turned out to be a genuine fragment of an eighth century text, that wouldn't "prove" that Jesus was "really" married. There would still be a whole lot of open questions.

No-one proposes that an eighth century document could simply be an eye-witness report of the historical Jesus. Everyone agrees that the infancy Gospel of Thomas is very old (third century?) but no-one thinks it contains an historical account of Kid Jesus' school days. It's religious fan-fiction. But it's still very intersting -- that a popular third century Christian book imagined Jesus as a naughty child (like Krishna) not a perfectly obedient child (as in some Victorian carols.)

An eight century text could have been copied from a much older text: and the much older text could have contained ancient and authentic traditions which would provide an historian with data about the Historical Jesus. Some people think that the other Gospel attributed to Thomas contains traditions which are as old as the traditions in the Synoptic Gospels, and independent of them, and therefore can be used as evidence from which to reconstruct the historical Jesus. But other people think that its another fan-fic riff on the Synoptics.

I agree that the presumption is always against a "new" Gospel giving actual factual data about Jesus; but any ancient text gives actual factual data about what some Christians were thinking in the third or fourth or fifth century. But the Gospel of Jesus wife (sadly) turned out to be a clever modern hoaxer having a laugh.

Monday, 30 November, 2020