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"News Values"


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Blogger James Wallis said...

She's the new Diana. The People's Poppet.

Sunday, 12 August, 2007

Blogger Garry G said...

It doesn't mean it's not hard for the parents. This isn't as much a case of media fixation on a case than it is very clever parents using the media to keep the loss of their daughter in the public eye. I am of course left wondering how any Porto kids who've been kidnapped in the meantime are fareing news-wise.

Monday, 13 August, 2007

Blogger nickpheas said...

But does it help the parents?

Case in point, today's Express, which assured us that a British suspect would be arrested within hours of the paper being published. As far as I can tell no arrest has occurred. This suggests that either the World's Greatest Newspaper was publishing something it knew to be a lie, or by publishing the story they've tipped off a child murderer who has escaped.

Would either version improve life for the parents?

Monday, 20 August, 2007