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Blogger Mike Taylor said...

I never saw the original cut of Justice League. If I were going to watch one and only one version, would you recommend the original or the new one?

Friday, 26 March, 2021

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

I didn't see the original one either, I'm afraid. I haven't heard anyone say that the old version was better (though it was certainly shorter!)

Friday, 26 March, 2021

Blogger Andrew Stevens said...

A fair proportion of my inbox seems to be cross about the whole principle of a four hour movie, although we live in a world where box sets no longer come in boxes and everyone consumes them in single sittings. It's broken up into 6 chapters and an epilogue, so its not like you can't get a cup of coffee and a toilet break if you need one.

This is my theory about why HDTV has finally done what television was always predicted to do - kill the movies. I must preface by saying that I think it is quite obvious that, for the last twenty years, films have been in very serious decline, but television has never been better. If you disagree with me about that, then this analysis won't have much force. But I think we're just going through a shift similar to theater->novels in the 19th century, novels->film in the 20th century, and now film->television in the 21st. The film artform, after all, came about simply to accommodate people's bladders. If anyone had thought to do it, The Queen's Gambit could have been made as a film in the 1980s, shortened to two and a half hours, and maybe even have been a hit. But why would you do that nowadays when you can make a ten part miniseries and people can watch it on big high-definition screens in their own homes? So you get guys like Vince Gilligan who, fifty years ago, would probably have been a film director, writing for television.

Sunday, 28 March, 2021