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Blogger AndrewSshi said...

This (and the other few entries) is why the Block button is your friend.

Saturday, 26 March, 2016

Blogger Sam Dodsworth said...

Playground bullying has nothing to do with winning arguments, of course. It's about asserting dominance by controlling your reactions. (There's another kind that's purely about inflicting damage - but that's generally reserved for women, for much the same reasons that James Puckle's square bullets were reserved for use against the Turks.)

The block button's useful, but it's not an actual solution because you have to read before you block. There've been some pretty good proposed solutions to this problem, but no social media platform is going to implement them as long as their success is judged on engagement metrics.

Saturday, 26 March, 2016

Blogger I. Dall said...

&, of course, the block buttons do not actually make bullies & trolls go away. In the case of trolls proper, discovering that they are trolls is in itself more effective than any blockage - one is, even, free to ignore their "arguments" & instead analyse the iterations of contemporary trolling.

Tuesday, 26 April, 2016