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"12: The Return (IV)"


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Blogger Tim Ellis said...

The staff in Starbucks get confused if I ask for a tall Americano and an elephant

I'm not surprised - they don't like you trying to reform their counters in Starbucks (or, indeed, their language...)

Friday, 24 September, 2010

Blogger Andrew Hickey said...

Tim, that's just not liking rudeness rather than anything else, I think...

Andrew, Asperger's is (from my own experience - I test right on the borderline) not *quite* like that. In my case I am - I believe - capable of understanding others' ambiguous statements, at least to the extent that I can read, say, Jane Austen having a character say "what a lovely antique chair!" and understand the character is criticising the age of the chair and implying that the owner can't afford a new one.

What I *can't* appear to do is communicate *un*ambiguously with others - especially, for some reason, by text. No matter what words I use, how clearly or plainly I say something, how many times I say "I am saying this, and only this, not opposite-of-this or opinion-which-someone-else-who-said-this-also-holds or anything you're imagining I'm saying, just this thing I'm saying", people insist on reading me as saying something I'm not saying.

So not so much "why can't other people say what they mean?" as "why can't other people see that I'm saying what I mean?"

Friday, 24 September, 2010

Blogger Gavin Burrows said...

"What I *can't* appear to do is communicate *un*ambiguously with others - especially, for some reason, by text.'

Andrew, I've been reading your blog for quite a while and I can think of only one occasion where I've seriously misunderstood you. Admittedly you normally write in a very clear and direct manner. (You'd be early protest Dylan to 'tother Andrew's 'Visions of Johanna'.) But even so, I'm surprised that you'd consider that a concern...

Saturday, 25 September, 2010