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Blogger jnnx said...

The Empire March wasn’t written until Empire Strikes Back

Saturday, 03 December, 2022

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Fair point, succinctly made :)

Saturday, 03 December, 2022

Anonymous Michael Ellis Day said...

The world would be a better place with a lot less Star Wars and a lot more cheap knockoffs of Star Wars.

The same goes for Star Trek and Doctor Who.

Also: Bill Mantlo wrote an article in The Comics Journal before Micronauts came out describing the development of the comic. (Imagine a time when TCJ would run a piece about Micronauts!) He was sent a box of the toys and given no other instruction or guidelines. That kind of freedom from corporate management would be unthinkable today.

Sunday, 04 December, 2022

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Do you have a link or scan of that? (Next piece is about where the comic came from, but I'm working from the text pieces in the comic itself.)

Sunday, 04 December, 2022

Anonymous Michael Ellis Day said...

Yep! It turns out someone scanned and posted it:

Sunday, 04 December, 2022

Blogger Thomas said...

This is a transcription of Mantlo's article:

Sunday, 04 December, 2022

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Thank you so much!

This may cause my long procrastinated essay to become even more procrastinated, but I would like to get these things right.


Monday, 05 December, 2022

Anonymous Adam Crowl said...

Just how cheap can a Doctor Who knock off get? It'd put Blake's 7 to shame for cheapness.

Friday, 09 December, 2022

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Doctor Who and Blakes 7 were both relatively expensive shows by the standards of their day. If you want to see a cheap 70s show, look at the Tomorrow People.

Someone on the Twitsphere remarked the other day that British TV was like expensive theatre, where American TV was like cheap movies. I think that puts it rather well.

Friday, 09 December, 2022