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Blogger JWH said...

One of the best and clearest things I have read on the whole affair, thanks Andrew.

P.S. Is this bit the right way around? "The really, really big opinion poll which we had on 23 June 2016 told us that slightly more than a third of the population agreed with Europe, slightly less than a third of the population disagreed with Europe, and slightly less than a third of cats who expressed a preference didn't express a preference either way."

Thursday, 27 September, 2018

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

I think my "writing the piece in one go and getting out into cyberspace as quickly as possible without wasting too much time fiddling with it" idea may turn out to be a bit ahead of its time.

Thursday, 27 September, 2018

Anonymous Adam said...

Problem is, I think that Corbyn has picked his priorities, and while he's not in favour of a gallows in Wandsworth prison and a cane in every classroom, he'd be prepared to let that happen if it means that he gets to be Prime Minister and Nationalise All The Things.

I'm pretty sure that if the referendum had been on capital punishment, he would be saying that we have to respect the Will Of The People™, and maybe we should just break people's necks instead of having them thrown to wild beasts as the Tories want. And his supporters would be saying "he's in a difficult situation, he can't really win this one, and look, it is more humane to hang people than to have them eaten alive."

But basically he's sent a message that he's chosen his battles, and liberal ideals are not really things he's prepared to fight for. Not if it uses up political capital that could be spent on nationalising things.

Friday, 28 September, 2018

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

Adam nailed it. I have lost ALL faith in Corbyn, not least because his "hand power back to Labour Party members" approach turns out to have been a total lie.

Friday, 28 September, 2018

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Hmm. I know he handed details of Mrs Thatcher's breakfast cereal to Czech secret service and is the Most Racist Politician Since Enoch Powell (TM), but an human rights skeptic and a centrist are new ones on me. (When I heard the Historical Jeremy Corbyn preach at a "remain" rally, it was the human rights that he thought was one of the main things the Europeans had done for us.)

Friday, 28 September, 2018

Anonymous Adam said...

I didn't say he was a human rights skeptic, and I don't believe that he is. I said that, when push comes to shove, I feel he would rather let that stuff (which includes conceding Brexit, and includes conceding being Tough On Immigrants) slide if fighting for it might use up political capital that he could instead spend on nationalising things. All politicians have to choose what their priorities are; he has chosen; I dislike his choices.

(I never mentioned centrism, and I have the same contempt for daft media smears that you do. Please don't wave red herrings at me.)

Monday, 01 October, 2018

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Well, you said he was the sort of chappie who might triangulate with the far right -- that he might say "I'm against the death penalty, and you want to throw criminals to wild beasts, so we'll compromise and just restore hanging" which is the very definition of centrism. (As opposed to moderation which just says "I want to go in the same direction as you and end up in the same destination, but more slowly.") And you seemed to imply that when push came to shove he wasn't serious about human rights.

I am not arguing for a Least Damaging Brexit because I want to make excuses for the Beardy Messiah. I am arguing for a Least Damaging Brexit because I think that is the best option on the table. (I also think it telling that Mike spoke of having "faith" in Corbyn.)

I would not vote for any party or individual which supported the death penalty, under any circumstances whatsoever.

Wednesday, 03 October, 2018

Anonymous Adam said...

He's willing to compromise with regard to authoritarianism, but not with regard to capitalism. That seems pretty clear from last night's vote on the "counterterrorism" bill where he whipped Labour MPs to vote in favour of the pretty bloody draconian legislation.

I don't suppose this will change your mind, but I'm interested in hearing why exactly you think it's the right thing that this nasty nasty bill got Labour support.

Wednesday, 10 October, 2018