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Blogger Tilt Araiza said...

This reminds me of something I've been discussing with the dreaded Hickey recently. One trap laid for critics of Who (especially NuWho) if they attack its worth as a text, is to treat it as a life experience, even if your original argument was about its quality as a text.

"That was great drama."
"It didn't make any sense."
"Oh, shut up! My 7-year-old loved it."

That way, the critic looks like the guy who brought a Star Trek to a Rentaghost fight.

Thursday, 04 April, 2013

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

"Doctor Who pretty clearly lies half-way between Star Trek and ..."

... Shakespeare! He's going to to say Shakespeare!

"... Rentaghost"

Oh well.

Thursday, 04 April, 2013

Blogger Andrew Hickey said...

I think even out of context, "between Star Trek and Rentaghost" sums up Who pretty well, and not in a bad way at all... if there was a new show on TV now that was promoted as "halfway between Star Trek and Rentaghost" I'd at least have to give it a go...

Friday, 05 April, 2013