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"There Will Be Ewoks"


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Blogger JAn said...

Dear Andrew. Is it really safe to keep a couple of Tolkiens betwixt a pair of Lewises or is this the sort of madness Brexit hath wrought?

Tuesday, 12 November, 2019

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Well spotted.

I think my shelves are bit mixed up because all my Lewis's have been off the shelf for a Long Piece I may get around to finishing one of the these days. (The central argument may be flawed, but isn't the chapter on Nature and Supernature in Miracles brilliant?)

I believe the young people call this kind of thing a Shelfie.

Tuesday, 12 November, 2019

Blogger W said...

Am *ever so slightly late* to this post, but: the X-Wing Miniatures Game is superb on its own terms; if you go pew pew pew while you roll your dice it's more fun than arguing about The Last Jedi.

Sunday, 24 May, 2020