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Blogger BlueTack Mouse said...

This made me think on the analogy you often use about the new Dr. Who being like New Labour/ Blair. Both have sold out a lot of what people liked about their brands way back when in order to become popular now.

The next logical step, which I can't remember seeing you post anywhere, is that both are a damn site better than the alternatives on offer.

I'd like a Real Labour party which did things like nationalise railways, spend more on the NHS etc. In the same way old style Dr Who would be nice.

But that isn't on the menu. The alternative to modern, Buffyised, hyped, short-attention span Dr Who is face removingly mindless sludge fronted by Graham Norton, or whatever junk ITV are running in the same slot. The alternative to New Labour is a Conservative party that is currently trying to work out how to demolish human rights laws.

And back at your original point - I thought the whole attraction of Jonathan Ross was that he's bound to say something "lewd and obscene" anyway.

Monday, 03 July, 2006

Blogger Abigail Nussbaum said...

In Alan Hollinghurst's (really quite boring, second-rate Brideshead Revisited imitation) The Line of Beauty, Mrs. Thatcher is frequently described as beautiful and alluring. I can't decide if this is yet another instance of Hollinghurst poking fun at Torys (which, indeed, seems to have been his primary motivation in writing the novel), or a genuine representation of the feeing at the time.

Read Cloud Atlas instead.

Tuesday, 04 July, 2006