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"16 June"


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Blogger NickPheas said...

If looking for similar then you could try The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell.

17 June 2020 at 00:53

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

I to o thought of The Sparrow. Fascinating, yes, but also emotionally powerful.

17 June 2020 at 01:59

Blogger Louise H said...

There isn't a great deal of Golden Age SF that I'd go back to with pleasure these days though I read a huge amount as a teen. Every so often I pick up a second hand book that I remember being thrilled by forty years ago but I seldom finish it. The only older SF authors I've actively hunted out books by recently are Lloyd Biggle Jr and Christopher Priest, both of whom are rather somewhat later than Blish. There are plenty of novels from the 50s to 70s that I like, just not generally SF ones. (I believe much of it has to do with the prominent editors of the time and what they thought an SF story ought to contain.)

17 June 2020 at 02:40

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

Louise H., not even Childhood's End?

17 June 2020 at 03:17

Blogger Louise H said...

I'm wondering now if I've ever actually read Childhoods End? I 've read all his short stories and all the 2001+ novels and I've failed to read Rendezvous with Rama at least four times but if it was one that my father didn't have a copy of I may have missed it,

17 June 2020 at 09:08

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

Well, for what it's worth I found Childhood's End interesting, surprising and moving, which is a rare combination. Rather the best Clarke's novels for my money. (C. S. Lewis was also a fan, if that influences you.)

17 June 2020 at 09:11