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Blogger Richard Worth said...

Sun Tzu, Machiavelli and Carl Von Clausewitz all said that a wise military leader imposes his will on the enemy, rather than simply reacting to what the enemy does. If the BBC proms decide not to sing 'Land of Hope and Glory', a strong editorial in the 'Daily Mail' is no reason to back down. However, it is not beyond the wit of the alt-right to invite an attack on a naturally defensible position, for example on the armed forces, the police or the monarchy, and then let the liberals take heavy losses in trying to drive them out. A wiser strategy may be to attack the enemy on the weakest points on their battle line and roll up their flanks, leaving their more defensible positions to wither on the vine. I am not sure where the weak points are, but no doubt they can be found.

25 August 2020 at 09:40

Blogger Mike Taylor said...

Woke means ... in short "racist".

Shurely shome mishtake?

26 August 2020 at 04:17

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

Way ahead of you.

It was correct on the back of the original envelope.

26 August 2020 at 05:30

Anonymous Sophie Jane said...

I think pinning this entirely on the far-right does a disservice to all the activists whose efforts have finally brought us to a point where "maybe it's a bad idea for a nation to publicly celebrate its greatest crimes" is a mainstream opinion. It's a success so small that most of those activists wouldn't call it a success at all, but it's still enough to make conservatives - and not just the far-right - perceive a threat and react against it.

26 August 2020 at 08:24