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Blogger Thomas said...

I think the Thing in its final form is much more interesting than the Thing when we first catch a glimpse of it, when it resembles a rather bog-standard Other Thing. I also think the film's themes are more interesting than its story, which is a bit frustrating since I don't feel I get a good grip on those themes. But there certainly is a current about seeing and being seen, self-presentation and twisting painful facts into a different narrative to please an audience.

13 September 2022 at 02:34

Anonymous Clarrie said...

Slightly surprised to hear you didn't enjoy it more, TBH.

I really liked it; partly because I felt there were quite a few chewy themes (one of the ways I felt mainstream reviewers got distracted was with a pre-occupation with making it be About One Thing. I think it was About (plot deleted) and playing with a lot of themes in the space around that in a manner that felt messy in a way that reflected the messiness of real life rather than muddled) but also because to me it felt like watching a C20 SF/Weird Fiction prose story in a way that's quite rare in films.

V. glad I saw it at the pictures too as it's gorgeous.

(on reading back this is garbled and incoherent - I'll have to shout a more detailed version with booze and swears at you across a table in person soon).

13 September 2022 at 06:35