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"27 May"


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Blogger Mike Taylor said...

"Decriminalise supply, I mean."

Is that really what you mean? Or decriminalise use but not supply?

27 May 2020 at 06:17

Blogger SK said...

Eventually, we will come to our senses and legalize drugs.

I do hope not. I hope we come to our senses and actually start to enforce the rules against possession and use which are currently dead letters.

but few of us could define the precise legal definition of “taking” which may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

It's actually quite simple: 'to dishonestly appropriate property belonging to another with the intent to permanently deprive them of it'.

I believe that if I slip a Mars bar into my pocket, then as long as I am in the store the British law thinks I may have simply been absent minded: but once I have left the shop the same law assumes that I intended to keep it without paying.

Nope; in both cases what matters is what your intention is (your mens rea in legal terms). You are just as guilty before you leave the store as after, if you intend to eat the bar without paying for it, and you are just as innocent after you leave the store as before, if you honestly intended to pay for the bar but forgot. The difference is entirely in how likely a magistrate or a jury is likely is to find your claim that you intended to pay cause for reasonable doubt given the totality of other circumstances.

Some years ago a very left-wing Labour Party MP was found to have sent their child to a private school:

What do you think of the theory that the elevation of hypocrisy to the greatest possible sin is the mark of a society which has embraced subjectivism and totally abandoned the idea of any objective moral judgement, so the only way it has left to give expression to the universal urge to condemn is to condemn people not for breaching universal standards (because nobody believes in them any more) but for breaching the standards they set for themselves?

27 May 2020 at 06:35

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

I am not sure what I meant, but I think that what I actually think is probably "decriminalise both use and supply, but regulate supply."

27 May 2020 at 08:31

Blogger Jacob said...

I condemn this nonsense in the strongest possible terms! Augmented nuclear earwigs would be awesome, and we should make developing them a national priority!

28 May 2020 at 04:50