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Blogger Andrew Ducker said...

I'll probably watch it for free somewhere if they decide not to cancel the series.

But I am mostly amused by how badly it's doing.

18 April 2022 at 05:22

Blogger Richard Worth said...

I am not that invested in the series: the 'Wizarding World (tm)' feels more of an artificial construct than Middle Earth or even Narnia. I do wonder if JK Rowling's name on the posters is at her instance that she is not going to be marginalised in her own creation. I gather that the romance between Dubledore and Grindlewald was the toned-down version which even then failed to get past the Chinese censors, who were presumably not distracted by the magical Chinese unicorn or the Chinese candidate in the wizard election. Compared with the wizard council in the first movie which looked like a child's idea of the United Nations, everyone seems to wear dark suits and trench coats, and Germany may have been banned under the Treaty of Versailles from having any bright colours or sympathetic characters: it does feel a little as though the Germans were chosen as a 'safe' villain who would not offend any potential markets for the movie. That being said, there were odd details that worked: the Niffler eying up the jailor's gold teeth, a monster that fears light and then your lamp flickers out, and Newt's loyal secretary commissioning a series of duplicate suitcases for a husband who is so absent-minded that he forgets she exists. The fight scene with the six briefcases is also well-staged. The art direction is pretty, from the Art Deco train to the austere inn which reflects Aberforth's desolated soul. Some of the twists may be less arbitrary than they first seem: replacing democracy with a traditional magic unicorn is proposed by someone who turns out to be a traitor, and the breach between Dumbledore and Grindlewald kind of happens through a plausible freak accident which may bypass the block on consciously attacking each other. However, it did feel like dining in a nice takeaway chain rather than proper home cooking.

18 April 2022 at 08:25

Blogger Louise H said...

Fond as I am of both fantastic beasts in general and Jude Law in particular, I did wonder if I was missing anything. Then I read that Warner Bros managed to de-gay it sufficiently to satisfy the Chinese censor by cutting *six seconds* of dialogue and I thought 'screw them all'. Not queer enough to upset the bigots isn't representation worth a damn.

18 April 2022 at 10:30

Blogger NickPheas said...

Is Dumbledoor still Native American, it did that idea then out to be too silly even for JKR?

18 April 2022 at 12:27

Blogger Thomas said...

It's funny that the film got gasps and sobs from the audience at every completely predictable plotbeat. I experienced that while watching Revenge of the Sith. Sometimes you're annoyed with a movie while everybody else seems to be completely immersed.

19 April 2022 at 03:12