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"26 July"


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Blogger postodave said...

Now if it were me, and I was to give a most influential folk album then it would have to be Mr. Fox by Mr. Fox. My mum saw a guy she worked with carrying this and asked what kind of music it was. He explained that it was electric folk. She had never heard of this and he asked if she wanted to have a listen. I was spellbound. I had been into pop music but had also enjoyed listening to The Spinners a cosy TV friendly folk foursome bringing Woody Guthrie and Ewan McColl to the masses. My granddad had encouraged me in this in the hopes of saving me from Pop. Now I heard something that was as romantic and fay as Tyrannosaurus Rex, as weird as Bowie and yet with that rootsy connection that made me respond to The Spinners. I tracked down a reissue of the album and its sequel and bought everything else I could by Bob Pegg the male singer in Mr Fox though it was another twenty years before I got get the solo album by the famale singer Carole Pegg. I can honestly say no album has impacted me as much as that one.

27 July 2020 at 02:13

Blogger Andrew Rilstone said...

I will look it up and report back: thanks.

I remember the Spinners, yes....

27 July 2020 at 04:04

Blogger postodave said...

For your perusal
I think that gives the full album. Did you ever read Electric Eden by Rob Young. He gives Bob Pegg a lot of space.Bob explains that they thought back in the sixties they had tapped into ancient traditions in the Dales and realised later a lot of this was relatively recent as often turns out to be the case. But what they did do was incorporate these sounds they heard in Yorkshire into a band. Carole Pegg meanwhile has become an ethnomusicologist specialising in the music of Outer Mongolia and even did an album of English folk style songs accompanied by Tuvan throat music. Bob has become a story teller up in the Highlands of Scotland

28 July 2020 at 06:43