Black Gate 4 – Summer 2002

Black Gate 4 – Summer 2002

Black Gate Magazine 4

  • 208 pages, $9.95
  • On Sale July 2002
  • Edited by John O’Neill
  • Published by New Epoch Press
  • Cover Art by Charles Keegan, “Vengeance in Ice” (for color prints, visit
  • Interior Art by Chris Pepper, Bernie Mireault, Denis Rodier, Allen Koszowski, Chuck Lukacs, Gabriel Morrissette, Gregory Price.

Buy this issue — only $9.95 plus shipping & handling!


“The Loiterer in the Lobby”
by Michael Kaufmann and Mark McLaughlin
Was Piranha Foods part of an unspeakably evil plot against humanity? Or was it just bad marketing?

“Stranger Ev’rywhere”
by Tina L. Jens
The Lonesome Blues Pub was packed tonight…. especially if you counted the ghosts.

“Night of Two Moons”
by David B. Coe
The Qirsi wielded great magic against their enemies, the Eandi… but could they deal with a traitor in their midst?

“Beat Me Daddy (Eight to the Bar)”
by Cory Doctorow
They were the Eight-Bar Band, playing in tune with the bombers overhead and laying down a soundtrack for the Apocalypse.

“Far From Laredo”
by David W. Hill
Duke wasn’t sure where he was, exactly. But he was a hired gun and the job was real enough: get rid of them demons.

“A Prayer for Captain La Hire”
by Patrice E. Sarath
They called La Hire the bravest man in France. But in the dungeons of Chateau Machecoul, he would face a horror beyond his imagining.

“Mama Told Me Not to Come”
by Bill Johnson
Sir Linux was perhaps the finest swordsman on Questworld… but the mystery of the Daemon Inetd would require far more than a skilled blade.

Fantasy Classic: “Scatheling”
by Nancy Varian Berberick
A rousing tale of adventure and loss featuring the Dwarf skald Garroc and his human foster-son Hinthan, who last appeared in the novel The Panther’s Hoard.


Playing the Classics: Role Playing Your Favorite Novels
by Kyla Ward

Editorial: A Small Press Pioneer
by John O’Neill


The Comics Cauldron
by Claude Lalumière

Book Reviews
by Lisa DuMond, Todd Ruthman, Charlene L. Brusso, and Sue Granquist.


Fantasy Game Reviews
by Don Bassingthwaite, Jennifer Brozek, Johanna Meade, and Michael Thibault


Knights of the Dinner Table: The Java Joint
by Jolly Blackburn, Steve Johansson, and John O’Neill