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Mary Louis

Reviewer & Writer
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  • Financial aid
  • FAFSA applications
BA Business Administration, SUNY at Albany

Mary Louis has worked in financial aid at city-run, state-run, for-profit, and Ivy League schools and at an HBCU. She also has experience working in recruitment, processing student payments, and assisting in processing documents for the registrar.

Louis' financial aid experience includes writing policies and procedures; overseeing satisfactory academic progress for state and federal aid, scholarships, and private education lending; federal verification, compliance, and training; and assisting families in completing the FAFSA.

She's a Brooklyn native who currently resides in Nashville and works at a state community college.

Louis is a paid member of the Red Ventures Education Integrity Network.

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Guía para estudiantes sobre ayuda financiera y FAFSA

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Guía para el estudiante sobre becas y subvenciones universitarias

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Guía del estudiante sobre préstamos universitarios

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Financial Literacy for Hispanic and Latino/a Students

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Ask a College Advisor: How Can I Pay for Study Abroad?

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