Our Reconciliation Action Plan

Anglicare Australia’s Reconciliation Action Plan marks the next step in our reconciliation journey.

Anglicare Australia’s Executive Director Kasy Chambers said the Plan recognises our role in supporting change.

“As the Executive Director of Anglicare Australia, I’m proud to launch this Plan. It outlines our strategy for implementing and measuring practical actions to build respectful relationships and for exploring opportunities for cultural learning and development across the Anglicare Australia Network.”

Anglicare Australia has also brought together Acknowledgements of Country from our Network across Australia.

Our hope is that this document will serve as a reminder of the richness and diversity of First Nations communities, made up of many different and distinct groups, each with their own culture, customs, language and laws. It will also highlight the breadth of our Network, and build understanding of First Nations cultures among our members.

The Plan be regularly updated as our reconciliation journey evolves. Anglicare Australia is currently developing our next Plan, which will be ratified in 2023.