Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi (10 book series)
Kindle Edition
The Empire has risen. The Jedi Order has been destroyed. As far as the Emperor is concerned, the Jedi are all but extinct. But on the remote planet of Tatooine, one Jedi Master remains: Obi-Wan Kenobi. Devastated by the loss of his fellow Jedi - and th betrayal of his former apprentice Anakin - Obi-Wan has been left with one last task: to watch over and protect a young child named Luke. When Obi-Wan finds out that a former Jedi apprentice has survived, he must make a painful decision: whether to stay on Tatooine or go on one last, desperate mission - right into the heart of the Empire.
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Books in this series (10 books)
4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 740 4.0 on Goodreads 2,136 ratings
The Empire has risen. The Jedi Order has been destroyed. As far as the Emperor is concerned, the Jedi are all but extinct. But on the remote planet of Tatooine, one Jedi Master remains: Obi-Wan Kenobi. Devastated by the loss of his fellow Jedi - and th betrayal of his former apprentice Anakin - Obi-Wan has been left with one last task: to watch over and protect a young child named Luke. When Obi-Wan finds out that a former Jedi apprentice has survived, he must make a painful decision: whether to stay on Tatooine or go on one last, desperate mission - right into the heart of the Empire.

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4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 444 4.0 on Goodreads 1,435 ratings
Obi-Wan Kenobi is on a mission. Along with the former Jedi apprentice Ferus Olin and a headstrong kid named Trever, he is trying to keep the Jedi's most important secret safe from the inquisitive Empire. With Boba Fett on their trail and time running out, Obi-Wan, Ferus, and Trever must make some daring and desperate escapes...into even more danger. Along the way, they discover some incredible news: Obi-Wan and Yoda are not the only Jedi to have survived the Emperor's annihilation of the Order. There is at least one other...and he is hiding in the Caves of Ilum, a place where nightmares become reality and dark warnings tell of conflicts yet to come.

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4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 292 4.0 on Goodreads 1,226 ratings
As a Jedi apprentice, Ferus Olin had to leave the Jedi Temple in disgrace. Now he must return to redeem himself - and save the future of the Jedi Order. The Empire now controls the Temple and everything inside…including, it is rumored, an imprisoned Jedi. Ferus and his street kid partner, Trever, must plunge into the depths of Coruscant in order to free this Jedi, exposing themselves to a dark underworld where both thieves and refugees hide from the Emperor's wrath. Breaking into the Temple isn't going to be easy...and surviving the underworld is going to be even harder.

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4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 238 4.0 on Goodreads 1,110 ratings
Ex-Jedi Ferus Olin has been imprisoned by the Empire. His crime? Trying to save the Jedi Order. The sinister Empire won't be able to hold Ferus for long - not when he has a friend on the inside. But escaping is only part of the problem. Ferus's quest is going to take him to the planet of Naboo, where a secret vital to the survival of the Jedi and the entire galaxy is being kept...and is in danger of being revealed. In order to keep this secret, Ferus will have to face the ruthless Inquisitor Malorum. A battle will be fought - and lives will be lost. Who will die on Naboo?

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4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 226 4.0 on Goodreads 976 ratings
Since evil Emperor Palpatine destroyed the Jedi Knights and seized power, his reign has been absolute. He controls the Senate. He controls the Imperial Army. He controls the galaxy. He is a Sith. And now, for mysterious reasons, he wants to control Ferus Olin, ex-Padawan. Ferus does not want to aid the Empire in any way. But when the Emperor threatens the lives of the people closest to him, Ferus doesn't have a choice. He agrees to go on a secret mission for Palpatine - to become a double-agent - and somehow keep his allegiance to the fallen Jedi Order. Can he succeed? Or are the Emperor and his henchman Darth Vader too powerful to overcome?

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4.4 4.4 out of 5 stars 186 4.0 on Goodreads 928 ratings
Ferus Olin's allegiance is to the Jedi. But when he's summoned to see the Emperor, the Sith Lord makes him an offer he can't refuse. If he can manage to prevent a planet from lunging into chaos, the Empire will spare ferus's capture friends. And if he doesn't- they'll die. Another heart-stopping Jedi adventure from bestselling author Jude Watson.

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4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 220 4.1 on Goodreads 964 ratings
On the Planet Belassa, parts of a secret new weapon are being built by the Empire. Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin are present to make sure the secret stays a secret - and they are joined by none other than the former Jedi apprentice and Rebel leader Ferus Olin. But is Ferus Olin really on their side? Or is he a double agent, trying to save his planet and steal the Empire's plans? Ferus must guard the secret of his own allegiance...or become yet another victim consumed by the dark side.

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4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 200 4.1 on Goodreads 964 ratings
As the Empire's power grows, Rebels face a choice: give in... or fight. Some form pockets of resistance on battleground planets, some go undercover, trying to fight the Empire from within. And others watch and wait. For Ferus Olin, hatred of the Empire is personal. The things that have been closest to him have been destroyed. The Jedi Order he once belonged to has been decimated. And the future isn't looking much brighter... Unless a true rebellion can be born.

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4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 171 4.1 on Goodreads 882 ratings
The penultimate installment to Jude Watson's Star Wars: The Last of the Jedi series.
The planet of Alderaan is a peaceful one... and Senator Bail wants to keep it that way. But the presence of the Empire is starting to cast a shadow over their tranquility - as spies and traitors infiltrate the corridors of power.
Alderaan holds a secret - a secret on which the future existence of the Jedi depends. Under strict instructions from the Emperor, double agent Ferus Olin must both uncover this secret and protect it. What he discovers raises dark questions from his own past - and puts him in direct conflict with another former Jedi... the sinister Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader.

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4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars 234 4.2 on Goodreads 868 ratings
The shocking conclusion to The Last of the Jedi series!

Former Jedi apprentice Ferus Olin must choose -- the way of the Jedi... or the dark side? The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.

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More About the Author

Hello! Thanks for clicking. I'm Jude Watson, and I write for kids. It's the best job in the world.

As a writer, I wear two hats. As Judy Blundell I write for Young Adults, and I won the National Book Award for my novel, WHAT I SAW AND HOW I LIED.

I write for middle-graders while wearing my Jude Watson hat, which is a bit more colorful. Maybe it even has a spinning propeller on top. I love to write mystery-adventures with thrilling twists and oddball characters and kids who find themselves in impossible situations doing incredible things.

I do all this from a chair, in a little room, in a not-big house, in a small town on Long Island. I like to read and I like to draw (badly) and my idea of excitement is to lace up my sneakers and walk to the harbor and back. I'm a nervous flyer and though I am respectful of the physics of modern aviation I also secretly suspect that it is only the unified belief of passengers that tons of metal can hurtle through the air that keeps a plane in flight. I am also not terribly comfortable on suspension bridges. And don't even ask me to go on a ferris wheel.

I am listing these fears just to clue you in: I'm a physical coward. I'm also a creature of habit. Once in awhile I go a little crazy and take a different route to the grocery store.

Still, I'll throw incredible amounts of danger at my characters. And I'll cackle maniacally while I do it.

Other random facts: During deadline periods I am deeply committed to popcorn and apples.

Every summer I go to Cape Cod, and every summer I wish I had a whole month there. I never do.

I am waiting for the day I'll see someone reading a book of mine in an airport or a train or a diner. I will most likely embarrass myself by cavorting and singing "That's ME!"

Happy Reading!