Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2017
Jedi Master Satele Shan was the hero of the last book Fatal Alliance. In Annihilation it's her son Theron's turn, a son that as a Jedi she should not have had because that means having an attachment to another. For this reason Theron was raised by Master Ngani Zho.

Theron doesn't have any Force abilities but he joined SIS in order to serve the Republic and he sets out in the beginning to assist a friend that doesn't want his help. In doing so his boss bench's him and he's assigned to work on a plan to destroy the Empire's greatest weapon, the Ascendent Spear. It's a ship created by a Darth that requires a Sith to interface with it directly and draw on the force making it a very menacing machine.

Theron makes it known that he was on the team of analysts who comes up with the plan and is called into the briefing by the Supreme Commander of the Republic, who turns out to have some history with Satele Shan who is now the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Representing the Jedi is Master Gnost – Dural, and it's his former Padawan, Darth Karrid who controls the Spear.

Lot's of action, a quick pace, and some humor mixed in with a Twi'lek. Annihilation is a good addition to the Star Wars Universe.
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