Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2014
Strong read altogether. The ending makes you eager to read the 3rd but that one's a bit of a let down.

The problem is the inclusion of a fairly weak characters who take up more pages than they're worth but they get an ending befitting of the amount of time wasted reading about them.

The two main characters keep you reading on and by the end you have a swelling of satisfaction that you're time was well spent. Seeing Bane's transformation from the 1st book to the 2nd falls happily in line with what one would expect of THE Sith Lord. You may find yourself rushing through the parts that don't involve him to savor the one's that do.

Unfortunately there are parts of the story where you'll be left slightly puzzled and asking "why?" but they're redeemed by the aforementioned.
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